
    cloak 对比 mask
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
  • Disguise】 , 【cloak】 , 【mask】 , 【dissemble】 , camouflage】  are comparable when meaning to assume a dress, an appearance, or an expression that conceals one’s identity, intention, or true feeling.

    Disguise】 , which basically implies an alteration in one’s dress and appearance, frequently retains this implication with the added suggestion either of concealment of identity or of the assumption (as on the stage) of another identity.

    The term, however, may apply to a feeling, an intention, or a motive when one’s words, expression, or acts imply a contrary reaction.

    Cloak】 implies the assumption of something which covers and conceals identity or nature.

    Mask】 implies a 【disguise】 , comparable to a covering for the face or head, which prevents recognition of a thing’s true character, quality, or presence.

    Dissemble】 stresses simulation for the purpose of deceiving as well as disguising; it, therefore, is the preferred term when actual deception is achieved.

    Camouflage】  in its basic military use implies a disguising (as with paint, garnished nets, or foliage) that reduces the visibility or conceals the nature or location of a potential target (as a ship, a factory, or an airfield), and in its common extended use tends to imply a comparable disguising quality or element, often specifically one that tends to minimize some undesirable aspect (as of a person or his acts or attributes).

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