
    college 对比 faculty
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 college faculty
    扩展解释:n. 【水利】
    (综合大学中的)学院, (独立的)学院, <美>大学, <英>公学, 书院, 高等专科学院, 大学, 学会
    n. 【化学】
    [C]1. (身体、精神的)机能,官能[(+of)]2. 能力;技能[(+for/of)]3. (大学的)系,科;院,4. 【主美】(大学或院、系的)全体教职员[G]5. 【主美】(任何学校的)全体教员[G]6. (从事某一专门职业的)全体人员[G]
    n. 【农业】
    【医学】 【中医】
    n. 【机械】
    n. 【法律专业】
    能力 ,权力,全体人员,系,主教权
    (2).维基词典 college faculty
    A corporate group; a group of colleagues.
    A group sharing common purposes or goals.
    An electoral college.
    An academic institution. From 1560s.
    A specialized division of a university.
    An institution of higher education teaching undergraduates.
    Attendance at an institution of higher education.
    A postsecondary institution that offers vocational training and/or associate’s degrees.
    A non-specialized, semi-autonomous division of a university, with its own faculty, departments, library, etc.
    An institution of further education at an intermediate level; sixth form.
    An institution for adult education at a basic or intermediate level (teaching those of any age).
    A high school or secondary school.
    A private (non-government) primary or high school.
    A residential hall associated with a university, possibly having its own tutors.
    A bilingual school.
    The universities, as opposed to the students or support staff.
    A division of a university.
    An ability, skill, or power, often plural.
    A power, authority or privilege conferred by a higher authority.
    A licence to make alterations to a church.
    The members of a profession.
    (3).牛津词典 college faculty
    an inherent mental or physical power
    an aptitude for doing something
    a group of university departments concerned with a major division of knowledge
    the teaching or research staff of a group of university departments viewed as a body
    the members of a particular profession, especially medicine, considered collectively.
    a licence or authorization from a Church authority
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 college faculty
    A collection, body, or society of persons engaged in common pursuits, or having common duties and interests, and sometimes, by charter, peculiar rights and privileges; as, a college of heralds; a college of electors; a college of bishops.
    A society of scholars or friends of learning, incorporated for study or instruction, esp. in the higher branches of knowledge; as, the colleges of Oxford and Cambridge Universities, and many American colleges.
    A building, or number of buildings, used by a college.
    Fig.: A community.
    Ability to act or perform, whether inborn or cultivated; capacity for any natural function; especially, an original mental power or capacity for any of the well-known classes of mental activity; psychical or soul capacity; capacity for any of the leading kinds of soul activity, as knowledge, feeling, volition; intellectual endowment or gift; power; as, faculties of the mind or the soul.
    Special mental endowment; characteristic knack.
    Power; prerogative or attribute of office.
    Privilege or permission, granted by favor or indulgence, to do a particular thing; authority; license; dispensation.
    A body of a men to whom any specific right or privilege is granted; formerly, the graduates in any of the four departments of a university or college (Philosophy, Law, Medicine, or Theology), to whom was granted the right of teaching (profitendi or docendi) in the department in which they had studied; at present, the members of a profession itself; as, the medical faculty; the legal faculty, etc.
    The body of person to whom are intrusted the government and instruction of a college or university, or of one of its departments; the president, professors, and tutors in a college.