
    consolidation 对比 merger
    分析 词典对比 组词对比

    • Consolidation】 , 【merger】 , 【amalgamation】 are comparable when denoting a union of two or more business corporations.

      Consolidation】 is often used as a general term; more precisely it implies a unification of the companies or corporations with dissolution of their separate corporate identities and transference of their combined assets, franchises, and goodwill to a single new corporate unit, often under an entirely new name.

      Merger】 usually implies a unification in which one or more companies or corporations are absorbed by another and the assets (as property, franchises, and goodwill) of the former are transferred to or merged into the latter whose corporate status and name remain unchanged. In a 【merger】 additional shares of stock may be issued by the absorbing company or corporation to replace on an agreed basis the shares of the units absorbed or a monetary transaction may be involved.

      Amalgamation】 is often used interchangeably with consolidation】  in its general sense and applied to any form of  【consolidation】 or 【merger】 . It is sometimes restricted to a 【consolidation】 in which a new corporation with an entirely new name and corporate identity results or, in British use, to a union of the 【merger】 type.

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