
    curb 对比 kerb
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 curb kerb
    扩展解释:n. 【化学】
    [C]1. 勒马绳,2. 控制,约束,抑制,3. 路边,(人行道旁的)镶边石,边栏,4. 井栏,vt.1. 给(马)装上勒马绳,勒住,2. 控制,遏制,3. 给...加镶边石
    v. 【法律专业】
    路缘, 井栏;
    扩展解释:n. 【农业】
    1. 【英】街道的路边石
    (2).维基词典 curb kerb
    A concrete margin along the edge of a road; a kerb (UK)
    A raised margin along the edge of something, such as a well or the eye of a dome, as a strengthening.
    Something that checks or restrains; a restraint.
    A riding or driving bit for a horse that has rein action which amplifies the pressure in the mouth by leverage advantage placing pressure on the poll via the crown piece of the bridle and chin groove via a curb chain.
    A sidewalk, covered or partially enclosed, bordering the airport terminal road system with adjacent paved areas to permit vehicles to off-load or load passengers.
    A swelling on the back part of the hind leg of a horse, just behind the lowest part of the hock joint, generally causing lameness.
    To check, restrain or control.
    To rein in.
    To furnish with a curb, as a well; to restrain by a curb, as a bank of earth.
    To force to "bite the curb" (hit the pavement curb); see curb stomp.
    To damage vehicle wheels or tires by running into or over a pavement curb.
    To bend or curve.
    To crouch; to cringe.
    The edge between the pavement and the roadway, consisting of a line of kerbstones.
    A stone ring built to enclose and sometimes revet the cairn or barrow built over a chamber tomb.
    To damage vehicle wheels or tyres by running into or over a pavement kerb.
    (3).牛津词典 curb kerb
    a check or restraint on something
    a type of bit with a strap or chain attached which passes under a horse’s lower jaw, used as a check.
    variant spelling of kerb
    a swelling on the back of a horse’s hock, caused by spraining a ligament.
    restrain or keep in check
    restrain (a horse) by means of a curb
    lead (a dog being walked) near the curb to urinate or defecate, in order to avoid soiling buildings, pavements, etc.
    a stone edging to a pavement or raised path.
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 curb kerb
    To bend or curve.
    To guide and manage, or restrain, as with a curb; to bend to one’s will; to subject; to subdue; to restrain; to confine; to keep in check.
    To furnish with a curb, as a well; also, to restrain by a curb, as a bank of earth.
    To bend; to crouch; to cringe.
    That which curbs, restrains, or subdues; a check or hindrance; esp., a chain or strap attached to the upper part of the branches of a bit, and capable of being drawn tightly against the lower jaw of the horse.
    An assemblage of three or more pieces of timber, or a metal member, forming a frame around an opening, and serving to maintain the integrity of that opening; also, a ring of stone serving a similar purpose, as at the eye of a dome.
    A frame or wall round the mouth of a well; also, a frame within a well to prevent the earth caving in.
    A curbstone.
    A swelling on the back part of the hind leg of a horse, just behind the lowest part of the hock joint, generally causing lameness.
    See Curb.