
    cynical 对比 doubtful
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 cynical doubtful
    a.1. 愤世嫉俗的;怀疑人间有真诚善意的;悲观的[(+about)]2. 挖苦的,冷嘲的
    a.1. 怀疑的,疑惑的[F][(+about/of)][+wh-]2. 可疑的,令人生疑的3. 含糊的,不明确的;难以预测的,4. (名声等)不好的
    n. 【经贸】
    (2).维基词典 cynical doubtful
    Of or relating to the belief that human actions are motivated only or primarily by base desires or selfishness.
    Skeptical of the integrity, sincerity, or motives of others.
    Bitterly or jadedly distrustful or contemptuous; mocking.
    Showing contempt for accepted moral standards by one’s actions.
    Like the actions of a snarling dog, especially in reference to facial nerve paralysis.
    Subject to, or causing doubt.
    Experiencing or showing doubt, sceptical.
    Undecided or of uncertain outcome.
    Fearsome, dreadful.
    Improbable or unlikely.
    Suspicious, or of dubious character.
    Unclear or unreliable.
    A doubtful person or thing.
    (3).牛津词典 cynical doubtful
    believing that people are motivated purely by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity
    doubtful as to whether something will happen or whether it is worthwhile
    contemptuous; mocking
    concerned only with one’s own interests and typically disregarding accepted standards in order to achieve them
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 cynical doubtful
    Not settled in opinion; undetermined; wavering; hesitating in belief; also used, metaphorically, of the body when its action is affected by such a state of mind; as, we are doubtful of a fact, or of the propriety of a measure.
    Admitting of doubt; not obvious, clear, or certain; questionable; not decided; not easy to be defined, classed, or named; as, a doubtful case, hue, claim, title, species, and the like.
    Characterized by ambiguity; dubious; as, a doubtful expression; a doubtful phrase.
    Of uncertain issue or event.
    Fearful; apprehensive; suspicious.