
    damp 对比 moist
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    (1).中国译典 damp moist
    扩展解释:n. 【化学】
    n. 【机械】
    a.1. 有湿气的;潮湿的,2. 消沉的,沮丧的,n.[U]1. 湿气,潮湿,2. (矿井)瓦斯;有毒气体,3. 【古】消沉,沮丧,vt.1. 使潮湿,2. 使沮丧;抑制;降低,3. 封(火),灭(火),4. 【音】制止(琴弦)的音,5. 【物】使阻尼;使减幅,vi.1. 变潮湿,2. 【物】阻尼,减幅
    a.1. 潮湿的,微湿的;多雨的[(+with)]2. 含泪的,泪汪汪的[(+with)]3. 【医】湿性的;有分泌物的
    adj. 【化学】
    n. 【水利】
    (2).维基词典 damp moist
    In a state between dry and wet; moderately wet; moist.
    Despondent; dispirited, downcast.
    Permitting the possession of alcoholic beverages, but not their sale.
    Moisture; humidity; dampness.
    Fog; fogginess; vapor.
    Dejection or depression; something that spoils a positive emotion (such as enjoyment, satisfaction, expectation or courage) or a desired activity.
    A gaseous product, formed in coal mines, old wells, pits, etc.
    To dampen; to render damp; to make humid, or moderately wet
    To put out, as fire; to depress or deject; to deaden; to cloud; to check or restrain, as action or vigor; to make dull; to weaken; to discourage.
    To suppress vibrations (mechanical) or oscillations (electrical) by converting energy to heat (or some other form of energy).
    Slightly wet; characterised by the presence of moisture, not dry; damp. from 14th c.
    Of eyes: tearful, wet with tears. from 14th c.
    Of weather, climate etc.: rainy, damp. from 14th c.
    Pertaining to one of the four essential qualities formerly believed to be present in all things, characterised by wetness. from 14th c.
    Watery, liquid, fluid. 14th-17th c.
    Characterised by the presence of pus, mucus etc. from 14th c.
    Sexually lubricated (of the vagina); sexually aroused, turned on (of a woman). from 20th c.
    To moisten.
    (3).韦伯斯特词典 damp moist
    Moisture; humidity; fog; fogginess; vapor.
    Dejection; depression; cloud of the mind.
    A gaseous product, formed in coal mines, old wells, pints, etc.
    Being in a state between dry and wet; moderately wet; moist; humid.
    Dejected; depressed; sunk.
    To render damp; to moisten; to make humid, or moderately wet; to dampen; as, to damp cloth.
    To put out, as fire; to depress or deject; to deaden; to cloud; to check or restrain, as action or vigor; to make dull; to weaken; to discourage.
    Moderately wet; damp; humid; not dry; as, a moist atmosphere or air.
    Fresh, or new.
    To moisten.