
    delusion 对比 fantasy
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    (1).中国译典 delusion fantasy
    1. 迷惑,欺骗[U]2. 受骗,上当[U]3. 误会,错觉;妄想症[C]
    [U][C]1. 空想;幻想;梦想,2. 空想的产物;幻想作品,3. 【音】幻想曲
    n. 【计算机】
    (2).维基词典 delusion fantasy
    A false belief that is resistant to confrontation with actual facts.
    The state of being deluded or misled, or process of deluding somebody.
    That which is falsely or delusively believed or propagated; false belief; error in belief.
    That which comes from one’s imagination.
    The literary genre generally dealing with themes of magic and the supernatural, imaginary worlds and creatures, etc.
    A fantastical design.
    The drug gamma-hydroxybutyric acid.
    To fantasize (about).
    To have a fancy for; to be pleased with; to like.
    To imagine; to conceive mentally.
    (3).牛津词典 delusion fantasy
    an idiosyncratic belief or impression maintained despite being contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder
    the action of deluding or the state of being deluded
    the faculty or activity of imagining impossible or improbable things
    a fanciful mental image, typically one on which a person often dwells and which reflects their conscious or unconscious wishes
    an idea with no basis in reality
    a genre of imaginative fiction involving magic and adventure, especially in a setting other than the real world.
    denoting a competition or league in which participants select imaginary teams from among the players in a real sports league and score points according to the actual performance of their players
    a fantasia.
    imagine the occurrence of; fantasize about
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 delusion fantasy
    The act of deluding; deception; a misleading of the mind.
    The state of being deluded or misled.
    That which is falsely or delusively believed or propagated; false belief; error in belief.
    Fancy; imagination; especially, a whimsical or fanciful conception; a vagary of the imagination; whim; caprice; humor.
    Fantastic designs.
    To have a fancy for; to be pleased with; to like; to fancy.