To eat; to eat dinner or supper.
To give a dinner to; to furnish with the chief meal; to feed.
To dine upon; to have to eat.
To ingest; to be ingested.
To consume (something solid or semi-solid, usually food) by putting it into the mouth and swallowing it.
To consume a meal.
To use up.
To be eaten.
To destroy, consume, or use up.
To damage, destroy, or fail to eject a removable part or an inserted object.
To cause (someone) to worry.
To take the loss in a transaction.
To corrode or erode.
To perform oral sex.
To consume money or (other instruents of value, such as a token) deposited or inserted by a user, while failing to either provide the intended product or service, or return the payment.
To perform oral sex on someone.
Something to be eaten; a meal; a food item.