
    discretion 对比 discrimination
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 discretion discrimination
    扩展解释:n. 【法律专业】
    判断 ,自由酌处权,斟酌决定权 ,酌处权,自由裁量
    n. 【水利】
    [U]1. 谨慎,考虑周到,2. 斟酌(或行动)的自由;处理权,3. 【罕】判断力;辨别力
    【医学】 【中医】
    扩展解释:n. 【法律专业】
    歧视 ,不平等待遇 ,差别待遇
    n. 【化学】
    [U]1. 辨别,区别,2. 识别力,辨别力,3. 不公平待遇,歧视[(+against)]
    (2).维基词典 discretion discrimination
    The quality of being discreet or circumspect.
    The ability to make wise choices or decisions.
    The freedom to make one’s own judgements.
    Discernment, the act of discriminating, discerning, distinguishing, noting or perceiving differences between things, with intent to understand rightly and make correct decisions.
    The act of recognizing the ’good’ and ’bad’ in situations and choosing good.
    (sometimes discrimination against) Distinct treatment of an individual or group to their disadvantage; treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit; partiality; prejudice; bigotry.
    The quality of being discriminating, acute discernment, specifically in a learning situation; as to show great discrimination in the choice of means.
    That which discriminates; mark of distinction, a characteristic.
    (3).牛津词典 discretion discrimination
    the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex
    recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another
    the ability to judge what is of high quality; good judgement or taste
    the ability to distinguish between different stimuli
    the selection of a signal having a required characteristic, such as frequency or amplitude, by means of a discriminator.
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 discretion discrimination
    Disjunction; separation.
    The quality of being discreet; wise conduct and management; cautious discernment, especially as to matters of propriety and self-control; prudence; circumspection; wariness.
    Freedom to act according to one’s own judgment; unrestrained exercise of choice or will.
    The act of discriminating, distinguishing, or noting and marking differences.
    The state of being discriminated, distinguished, or set apart.
    The arbitrary imposition of unequal tariffs for substantially the same service.
    The quality of being discriminating; faculty of nicely distinguishing; acute discernment; as, to show great discrimination in the choice of means.
    That which discriminates; mark of distinction.