
    do 对比 due
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 do due
    是, 做, 要
    做, 实行, 可用;
    Breastplate that is usually made from bamboo blades covered with leather; it protects the front and ...
    1. 做,干,制作;实行;完成;解答,算出,2. 给予[O1]3. 扮演(角色),演出(戏剧),4. 料理;处理,5. 写;翻译;画,6. 攻读,学习,7. 烹制,煮,8. 洗;刷;清理;布置,9. 适合;够,10. 行驶,走(路程),11. 【口】欺骗,12. 【口】访问,游览; v.aux.1. (构成疑问句,否定句),2. (构成强调
    ①[a due, one`s due] 应得的东西;
    扩展解释:adj. 【化学】
    v. 【法律专业】
    到期 ,费用,适当,应得
    a.1. 应支付的;欠款的;欠的[F][(+to)]2. 应有的,正当的,合适的[B]3. 到期的[F]4. (车船)预定应到的;预期的;约定的[F][+to-v]5. 因为,由于[(+to)]ad.1. (置于方位词前)正,n.1. 应得之物;应得权益[C]2. 应付款;税金[P]
    (2).维基词典 do due
    A syntactic marker
    A syntactic marker in a question whose main verb is not another auxiliary verb or be.
    A syntactic marker in negations with the indicative and imperative moods.
    A syntactic marker for emphasis with the indicative, imperative, and subjunctive moods.
    A syntactic marker that refers back to an earlier verb and allows the speaker to avoid repeating the verb; not generally used with auxiliaries such as "be".
    To perform; to execute.
    To cause, make (someone) (do something).
    To suffice.
    To be reasonable or acceptable.
    To have (as an effect).
    To fare; to succeed or fail.
    To have as one’s job.
    To perform the tasks or actions associated with (something)
    To cook.
    To travel in, to tour, to make a circuit of.
    To treat in a certain way.
    To work for or on, by way of caring for, looking after, preparing, cleaning, keeping in order, etc.
    To act or behave in a certain manner; to conduct oneself.
    (see also do time) To spend (time) in jail.
    To impersonate or depict.
    To kill.
    To deal with for good and all; to finish up; to undo; to ruin; to do for.
    To punish for a misdemeanor.
    To have sex with. (See also do it)
    To cheat or swindle.
    To convert into a certain form; especially, to translate.
    To finish.
    To work as a domestic servant (with for).
    Used to form the present progressive of verbs.
    To cash or to advance money for, as a bill or note.
    To make or provide.
    To injure (one’s own body part).
    To take drugs.
    to have a purpose or reason
    A party, celebration, social function.
    A hairdo.
    Something that can or should be done (usually in the phrase dos and don’ts).
    A deed; an act.
    Ado; bustle; stir; to-do; A period of confusion or argument.
    A cheat; a swindler.
    An act of swindling; a fraud or deception.
    A syllable used in solfège to represent the first and eighth tonic of a major scale.
    abbreviation of ditto
    Owed or owing.
    Scheduled; expected.
    Having reached the expected, scheduled, or natural time.
    Owing; ascribable, as to a cause.
    On a direct bearing, especially for the four points of the compass
    Directly; exactly.
    Deserved acknowledgment.
    (in plural dues) A membership fee.
    That which is owed; debt; that which belongs or may be claimed as a right; whatever custom, law, or morality requires to be done, duty.
    Right; just title or claim.
    (3).韦伯斯特词典 do due
    A syllable attached to the first tone of the major diatonic scale for the purpose of solmization, or solfeggio. It is the first of the seven syllables used by the Italians as manes of musical tones, and replaced, for the sake of euphony, the syllable Ut, applied to the note C. In England and America the same syllables are used by many as a scale pattern, while the tones in respect to absolute pitch are named from the first seven letters of the alphabet.
    Deed; act; fear.
    Ado; bustle; stir; to do.
    A cheat; a swindle.
    To place; to put.
    To cause; to make; - with an infinitive.
    To bring about; to produce, as an effect or result; to effect; to achieve.
    To perform, as an action; to execute; to transact to carry out in action; as, to do a good or a bad act; do our duty; to do what I can.
    To bring to an end by action; to perform completely; to finish; to accomplish; - a sense conveyed by the construction, which is that of the past participle done.
    To make ready for an object, purpose, or use, as food by cooking; to cook completely or sufficiently; as, the meat is done on one side only.
    To put or bring into a form, state, or condition, especially in the phrases, to do death, to put to death; to slay; to do away (often do away with), to put away; to remove; to do on, to put on; to don; to do off, to take off, as dress; to doff; to do into, to put into the form of; to translate or transform into, as a text.
    To cheat; to gull; to overreach.
    To see or inspect; to explore; as, to do all the points of interest.
    To cash or to advance money for, as a bill or note.
    To perform work upon, about, for, or at, by way of caring for, looking after, preparing, cleaning, keeping in order, or the like.
    To deal with for good and all; to finish up; to undo; to ruin; to do for.
    To act or behave in any manner; to conduct one’s self.
    To fare; to be, as regards health; as, they asked him how he did; how do you do to-day?
    To succeed; to avail; to answer the purpose; to serve; as, if no better plan can be found, he will make this do.
    Owed, as a debt; that ought to be paid or done to or for another; payable; owing and demandable.
    Justly claimed as a right or property; proper; suitable; becoming; appropriate; fit.
    Such as (a thing) ought to be; fulfilling obligation; proper; lawful; regular; appointed; sufficient; exact; as, due process of law; due service; in due time.
    Appointed or required to arrive at a given time; as, the steamer was due yesterday.
    Owing; ascribable, as to a cause.
    Directly; exactly; as, a due east course.
    That which is owed; debt; that which one contracts to pay, or do, to or for another; that which belongs or may be claimed as a right; whatever custom, law, or morality requires to be done; a fee; a toll.
    Right; just title or claim.
    To endue.