Dominion; empire; authority.
The territory over which dominion or authority is exerted; the possessions of a sovereign or commonwealth, or the like. Also used figuratively.
Landed property; estate; especially, the land about the mansion house of a lord, and in his immediate occupancy; demesne.
Ownership of land; an estate or patrimony which one has in his own right; absolute proprietorship; paramount or sovereign ownership.
the set of values which the independent variable of a function may take. Contrasted to range, which is the set of values taken by the dependent variable.
a connected set of points, also called a region.
a region within a ferromagnetic material, composed of a number of atoms whose magnetic poles are pointed in the same direction, and which may move together in a coordinated manner when disturbed, as by heating. The direction of polarity of adjacent domains may be different, but may be aligned by a strong external magnetic field.
an address within the internet computer network, which may be a single computer, a network of computers, or one of a number of accounts on a multiuser computer. The domain specifies the location (host computer) to which communications on the internet are directed. Each domain has a corresponding 32-bit number usually represented by four numbers separated by periods, as Each domain may also have an alphabetical name, usually composed of a name plus an extension separated by a period, as; the alphabetical name is referred to as a domain name.
the three-dimensional structure within an immunoglobulin which is formed by one of the homology regions of a heavy or light chain.
the field of knowledge, expertise, or interest of a person; as, he had a limited domain of discourse; I can’t comment on that, it’s outside my domain.
a particular environment or walk of life.
people in general; especially a distinctive group of people with some shared interest.