
    easy 对比 easily
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 easy easily
    a.1. 容易的;不费力的[+to-v]2. 安逸的,安乐的;宽裕的,3. 宽容的,不苛求的,4. 易顺从的,5. 从容的,自在的;大方的,ad.1. 不费力地;从容地
    adj. 【机械】
    adj. 【化学】
    容易地,轻易地; 无疑,确实,; 很可能,大概
    (2).维基词典 easy easily
    Comfortable; at ease.
    Requiring little skill or effort.
    Causing ease; giving comfort, or freedom from care or labour.
    Free from constraint, harshness, or formality; unconstrained; smooth.
    Consenting readily to sex.
    Not making resistance or showing unwillingness; tractable; yielding; compliant.
    Not straitened as to money matters; opposed to tight.
    In a relaxed or casual manner.
    In a manner without strictness or harshness.
    Used an intensifier for large magnitudes.
    Not difficult, not hard. en
    Something that is easy
    synonym of easy-oar
    Comfortably, without discomfort or anxiety.
    Without difficulty.
    Absolutely, without question.
    (3).牛津词典 easy easily
    achieved without great effort; presenting few difficulties
    (of a period of time or way of life) free from worries or problems
    (of a person) lacking anxiety or awkwardness; relaxed
    (of an object of attack or criticism) having no defence; vulnerable
    (of a woman) very receptive to sexual advances
    without difficulty or effort
    be careful
    without difficulty or effort
    more quickly or frequently than is usual
    without doubt; by far
    very probably
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 easy easily
    At ease; free from pain, trouble, or constraint
    Not causing, or attended with, pain or disquiet, or much exertion; affording ease or rest; as, an easy carriage; a ship having an easy motion; easy movements, as in dancing.
    Not difficult; requiring little labor or effort; slight; inconsiderable; as, an easy task; an easy victory.
    Causing ease; giving freedom from care or labor; furnishing comfort; commodious; as, easy circumstances; an easy chair or cushion.
    Not making resistance or showing unwillingness; tractable; yielding; complying; ready.
    Moderate; sparing; frugal.
    Not straitened as to money matters; as, the market is easy; - opposed to tight.
    With ease; without difficulty or much effort; as, this task may be easily performed; that event might have been easily foreseen.
    Without pain, anxiety, or disturbance; as, to pass life well and easily.
    Readily; without reluctance; willingly.
    Smoothly; quietly; gently; gracefully; without umult or discord.
    Without shaking or jolting; commodiously; as, a carriage moves easily.