
    envoy 对比 messenger
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    (1).中国译典 envoy messenger
    扩展解释:n. 【法律专业】
    代表 ,公使,使节,使者,特使
    [C]1. 使者;外交使节,2. 全权公使
    使者 ,信使
    [C]1. 送信人;使者;(电报,邮件的)信差,邮递员,2. 【军】传令员,3. 先兆;先驱,4. 先知
    (2).维基词典 envoy messenger
    a diplomatic agent of the second rank, next in status after an ambassador.
    a representative.
    a diplomat.
    a messenger.
    a short stanza at the end of a poem.
    One who brings messages.
    A light line with which a heavier line may be hauled e.g. from the deck of a ship to the pier.
    The supporting member of an aerial cable (electric power or telephone or data).
    A person appointed to perform certain ministerial duties under bankrupt and insolvent laws, such as to take charge of the estate of the bankrupt or insolvent.
    An instant messenger program.
    A forerunner.
    A light scudding cloud preceding a storm.
    A piece of paper, etc., blown up a string to a kite.
    A weight dropped down a line to close a Nansen bottle.
    The secretary bird.
    A messenger-at-arms.
    To send something by messenger.
    (3).韦伯斯特词典 envoy messenger
    One dispatched upon an errand or mission; a messenger; esp., a person deputed by a sovereign or a government to negotiate a treaty, or transact other business, with a foreign sovereign or government; a minister accredited to a foreign government. An envoy’s rank is below that of an ambassador.
    An explanatory or commendatory postscript to a poem, essay, or book; - also in the French from, l’envoi.
    One who bears a message; the bearer of a verbal or written communication, notice, or invitation, from one person to another, or to a public body; specifically, an office servant who bears messages.
    One who, or that which, foreshows, or foretells.
    A hawser passed round the capstan, and having its two ends lashed together to form an endless rope or chain; - formerly used for heaving in the cable.
    A person appointed to perform certain ministerial duties under bankrupt and insolvent laws, such as to take charge of the estate of the bankrupt or insolvent.