
    example 对比 illustration
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 example illustration
    扩展解释:n. 【化学】
    [C]1. 例子;样本;样品[(+of)]2. 范例;榜样;楷模[(+to)]3. 儆戒,警告
    n. 【法律专业】
    范例 ,例证,样本
    1. 说明,图解,图示[U]2. 例,实例[C]3. 插图,图表,图案[C]
    n. 【法律专业】
    插图 ,解说文字,例证
    【医学】 【中医】
    (2).维基词典 example illustration
    Something that is representative of all such things in a group.
    Something that serves to illustrate or explain a rule.
    Something that serves as a pattern of behaviour to be imitated (a good example) or not to be imitated (a bad example).
    A person punished as a warning to others.
    A parallel or closely similar case, especially when serving as a precedent or model.
    An instance (as a problem to be solved) serving to illustrate the rule or precept or to act as an exercise in the application of the rule.
    To be illustrated or exemplified (by).
    The act of illustrating; the act of making clear and distinct; education; also, the state of being illustrated, or of being made clear and distinct.
    That which illustrates; a comparison or example intended to make clear or apprehensible, or to remove obscurity.
    A picture designed to decorate a volume or elucidate a literary work.
    A calculated prevision of insurance premiums and returns (life insurance)
    (3).牛津词典 example illustration
    a thing characteristic of its kind or illustrating a general rule
    a written problem or exercise designed to illustrate a rule
    a person or thing regarded in terms of their fitness to be imitated
    be illustrated or exemplified
    a picture illustrating a book, newspaper, etc.
    the action or fact of illustrating something
    an illustrative example
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 example illustration
    One or a portion taken to show the character or quality of the whole; a sample; a specimen.
    That which is to be followed or imitated as a model; a pattern or copy.
    That which resembles or corresponds with something else; a precedent; a model.
    That which is to be avoided; one selected for punishment and to serve as a warning; a warning.
    An instance serving for illustration of a rule or precept, especially a problem to be solved, or a case to be determined, as an exercise in the application of the rules of any study or branch of science; as, in trigonometry and grammar, the principles and rules are illustrated by examples.
    To set an example for; to give a precedent for; to exemplify; to give an instance of; to instance.
    The act of illustrating; the act of making clear and distinct; education; also, the state of being illustrated, or of being made clear and distinct.
    That which illustrates; a comparison or example intended to make clear or apprehensible, or to remove obscurity.
    A picture designed to decorate a volume or elucidate a literary work.