
    excellent 对比 great
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 excellent great
    优良的, 杰出的, 出色的
    扩展解释:adj. 【法律专业】
    a.1. 出色的;杰出的;优等的[Z]
    adj. 【机械】
    (2).维基词典 excellent great
    Of the highest quality; splendid.
    Exceptionally good of its kind.
    Superior in kind or degree, irrespective of moral quality.
    Relatively large in scale, size, extent, number (i. e. having many parts or members) or duration (i. e. relatively long); very big.
    Of larger size or more importance than others of its kind.
    Involving more generations than the word qualified implies (from 1510s). [see Derived terms]
    Pregnant; large with young; full of.
    Intimate; familiar.
    Extreme or more than usual.
    Of significant importance or consequence; important.
    Arising from or possessing superior; commanding; heroic; illustrious; eminent.
    Impressive or striking.
    Much in use; favoured.
    Endowed with extraordinary powers; of exceptional talents or achievements; uncommonly gifted; able to accomplish vast results; remarkable; strong; powerful; mighty; noble.
    Title referring to an important leader.
    Doing or active or enthusiastic.
    Skilful or adroit.
    Very good; excellent; wonderful; fantastic (from 1848).
    Intensifying a word or expression, used in mild oaths.
    Expression of gladness and content about something.
    sarcastic inversion thereof.
    A person of major significance, accomplishment or acclaim.
    The main division in a pipe organ, usually the loudest division.
    very well in a very satisfactory manner
    (3).牛津词典 excellent great
    extremely good; outstanding
    used to indicate approval or pleasure
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 excellent great
    Excelling; surpassing others in some good quality or the sum of qualities; of great worth; eminent, in a good sense; superior; as, an excellent man, artist, citizen, husband, discourse, book, song, etc.; excellent breeding, principles, aims, action.
    Superior in kind or degree, irrespective of moral quality; - used with words of a bad significance.
    Excellently; eminently; exceedingly.
    Large in space; of much size; big; immense; enormous; expanded; - opposed to small and little; as, a great house, ship, farm, plain, distance, length.
    Large in number; numerous; as, a great company, multitude, series, etc.
    Long continued; lengthened in duration; prolonged in time; as, a great while; a great interval.
    Superior; admirable; commanding; - applied to thoughts, actions, and feelings.
    Endowed with extraordinary powers; uncommonly gifted; able to accomplish vast results; strong; powerful; mighty; noble; as, a great hero, scholar, genius, philosopher, etc.
    Holding a chief position; elevated: lofty: eminent; distinguished; foremost; principal; as, great men; the great seal; the great marshal, etc.
    Entitled to earnest consideration; weighty; important; as, a great argument, truth, or principle.
    Pregnant; big (with young).
    More than ordinary in degree; very considerable in degree; as, to use great caution; to be in great pain.
    Older, younger, or more remote, by single generation; - often used before grand to indicate one degree more remote in the direct line of descent; as, great-grandfather (a grandfather’s or a grandmother’s father), great-grandson, etc.
    The whole; the gross; as, a contract to build a ship by the great.