
    fabricate 对比 manufacture
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 fabricate manufacture
    扩展解释:v. 【法律专业】
    捏造 ,虚构,编造 ,制造
    组装,; 伪造
    扩展解释:n. 【机械】
    vt. 【计算机】
    出产 ,制,制造;生产
    1. (大量)制造,加工[(+from/into)]2. 捏造,虚构(证据、借口等),3. 粗制滥造(文艺作品等),vi.1. 制造,n.1. (大量)制造[U]2. 制造业[U]3. 制品,产品[P]4. (文艺作品等的)粗制滥造[U]
    n. 【化学】
    (2).维基词典 fabricate manufacture
    To form into a whole by uniting its parts; to construct; to build.
    To form by art and labor; to manufacture; to produce.
    To invent and form; to forge; to devise falsely.
    To cut up an animal as preparation for cooking, particularly used in reference to fowl.
    The action or process of making goods systematically or on a large scale.
    Anything made, formed or produced; product.
    The process of such production; generation, creation.
    To make things, usually on a large scale, with tools and either physical labor or machinery.
    To work (raw or partly wrought materials) into suitable forms for use.
    To fabricate; to create false evidence to support a point.
    (3).牛津词典 fabricate manufacture
    invent (something) in order to deceive
    construct or manufacture (an industrial product), especially from prepared components
    make (something) on a large scale using machinery
    (of a living thing) produce (a substance) naturally
    make or produce (something abstract) in a merely mechanical way
    invent (evidence or a story)
    the making of articles on a large scale using machinery
    a specified branch of industry
    manufactured articles
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 fabricate manufacture
    To form into a whole by uniting its parts; to frame; to construct; to build; as, to fabricate a bridge or ship.
    To form by art and labor; to manufacture; to produce; as, to fabricate woolens.
    To invent and form; to forge; to devise falsely; as, to fabricate a lie or story.
    The operation of making wares or any products by hand, by machinery, or by other agency.
    Anything made from raw materials by the hand, by machinery, or by art, as cloths, iron utensils, shoes, machinery, saddlery, etc.
    To make (wares or other products) by hand, by machinery, or by other agency; as, to manufacture cloth, nails, glass, etc.
    To work, as raw or partly wrought materials, into suitable forms for use; as, to manufacture wool, cotton, silk, or iron.
    To be employed in manufacturing something.