
    fayre 对比 fair
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).维基词典 fayre fair
    Fair, beautiful.
    A fair, a market.
    Beautiful, of a pleasing appearance, with a pure and fresh quality.
    Unblemished (figuratively or literally); clean and pure; innocent.
    Light in color, pale, particularly as regards skin tone but also referring to blond hair.
    Just, equitable.
    Adequate, reasonable, or decent.
    Favorable to a ship’s course.
    Not overcast; cloudless; clear; pleasant; propitious; said of the sky, weather, or wind, etc.
    Free from obstacles or hindrances; unobstructed; unencumbered; open; direct; said of a road, passage, etc.
    Without sudden change of direction or curvature; smooth; flowing; said of the figure of a vessel, and of surfaces, water lines, and other lines.
    Between the baselines.
    Something which is fair (in various senses of the adjective).
    A woman, a member of the ‘fair sex’; also as a collective singular, women.
    Fairness, beauty.
    A fair woman; a sweetheart.
    Good fortune; good luck.
    A community gathering to celebrate and exhibit local achievements.
    An event for public entertainment and trade, a market.
    An event for professionals in a trade to learn of new products and do business, a trade fair.
    A travelling amusement park (called a funfair in British English and a (travelling) carnival in US English).
    To smoothen or even a surface (especially a connection or junction on a surface).
    To bring into perfect alignment (especially about rivet holes when connecting structural members).
    To construct or design a structure whose primary function is to produce a smooth outline or reduce air drag or water resistance.
    To make fair or beautiful.
    clearly, openly, frankly, civilly, honestly, favorably, auspiciously, agreeably
    (2).牛津词典 fayre fair
    pseudo-archaic spelling of fair and fare (sense 2 of the noun)
    treating people equally without favouritism or discrimination
    just or appropriate in the circumstances
    (of a means or procedure) not violent
    (of hair or complexion) light; blonde
    (of a person) having a light complexion or hair
    considerable though not outstanding in size or amount
    moderately good
    complete; utter
    (of weather) fine and dry
    (of the wind) favourable
    (of words) specious despite being initially attractive
    without cheating or trying to achieve unjust advantage
    to a high degree
    a beautiful woman
    a gathering of stalls and amusements for public entertainment
    a periodic gathering for the sale of goods.
    an exhibition to promote particular products
    an annual competitive exhibition of livestock, agricultural products, etc., held by a town, county, or state.
    (of the weather) become fine
    streamline (a vehicle, boat, or aircraft) by adding fairings
    (3).韦伯斯特词典 fayre fair
    Free from spots, specks, dirt, or imperfection; unblemished; clean; pure.
    Pleasing to the eye; handsome; beautiful.
    Without a dark hue; light; clear; as, a fair skin.
    Not overcast; cloudless; clear; pleasant; propitious; favorable; - said of the sky, weather, or wind, etc.; as, a fair sky; a fair day.
    Free from obstacles or hindrances; unobstructed; unincumbered; open; direct; - said of a road, passage, etc.; as, a fair mark; in fair sight; a fair view.
    Without sudden change of direction or curvature; smooth; flowing; - said of the figure of a vessel, and of surfaces, water lines, and other lines.
    Characterized by frankness, honesty, impartiality, or candor; open; upright; free from suspicion or bias; equitable; just; - said of persons, character, or conduct; as, a fair man; fair dealing; a fair statement.
    Pleasing; favorable; inspiring hope and confidence; - said of words, promises, etc.
    Distinct; legible; as, fair handwriting.
    Free from any marked characteristic; average; middling; as, a fair specimen.
    Clearly; openly; frankly; civilly; honestly; favorably; auspiciously; agreeably.
    Fairness, beauty.
    A fair woman; a sweetheart.
    Good fortune; good luck.
    A gathering of buyers and sellers, assembled at a particular place with their merchandise at a stated or regular season, or by special appointment, for trade.
    A festival, and sale of fancy articles. erc., usually for some charitable object; as, a Grand Army fair; a church fair.
    A competitive exhibition of wares, farm products, etc., not primarily for purposes of sale; as, the Mechanics’ fair; an agricultural fair.
    an exhibition by a number of organizations, including governmental organizations, for the purpose of acquainting people with such organizations or their members, not primarily for commercial purposes; as, the 1939 World’s Fair.
    To make fair or beautiful.
    To make smooth and flowing, as a vessel’s lines.