
    fed 对比 feed
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    (1).中国译典 fed feed
    扩展解释:n. 【医学】 【医学】
    1. 【美】【口】联邦政府官员;联邦调查局调查员
    扩展解释:【医学】 【中医】
    n. 【机械】
    1. 吃;以...为食物;以...为能源[(+on)]
    1. (动物或婴儿的)一餐[C]2. 饲料;牧草[U]3. 【机】进料器[C]4. 【英】喜剧演员的逗噱搭档[C]vt.1. 喂(养);饲(养)[(+on/with)]2. 进(料);投入;供给;提供[(+with)]3. 【口】向...提供[O1]4. 抚养(家庭),5. 满足(欲望等);加深(恶感等)
    (2).维基词典 fed feed
    a federal government officer or official, especially FBI and DEA agents.
    a police officer.
    To give (someone or something) food to eat.
    To eat usually of animals.
    To give to a machine to be processed.
    To satisfy, gratify, or minister to (a sense, taste, desire, etc.).
    To supply with something.
    To graze; to cause to be cropped by feeding, as herbage by cattle.
    To pass to.
    To create the environment where another phonological rule can apply; to be applied before another rule.
    To create the syntactic environment in which another syntactic rule is applied; to be applied before another syntactic rule.
    Food given to (especially herbivorous) animals.
    Something supplied continuously.
    The part of a machine that supplies the material to be operated upon.
    A gathering to eat, especially in quantity
    Encapsulated online content, such as news or a blog, that can be subscribed to.
    (3).韦伯斯特词典 fed feed
    imp. & p. p. of Feed.
    To give food to; to supply with nourishment; to satisfy the physical huger of.
    To satisfy; gratify or minister to, as any sense, talent, taste, or desire.
    To fill the wants of; to supply with that which is used or wasted; as, springs feed ponds; the hopper feeds the mill; to feed a furnace with coal.
    To nourish, in a general sense; to foster, strengthen, develop, and guard.
    To graze; to cause to be cropped by feeding, as herbage by cattle; as, if grain is too forward in autumn, feed it with sheep.
    To give for food, especially to animals; to furnish for consumption; as, to feed out turnips to the cows; to feed water to a steam boiler.
    To supply (the material to be operated upon) to a machine; as, to feed paper to a printing press.
    To take food; to eat.
    To subject by eating; to satisfy the appetite; to feed one’s self (upon something); to prey; - with on or upon.
    To be nourished, strengthened, or satisfied, as if by food.
    To place cattle to feed; to pasture; to graze.
    That which is eaten; esp., food for beasts; fodder; pasture; hay; grain, ground or whole; as, the best feed for sheep.
    An allowance of provender given to a horse, cow, etc.; a meal; as, a feed of corn or oats.
    A meal, or the act of eating.
    The water supplied to steam boilers.
    The motion, or act, of carrying forward the stuff to be operated upon, as cloth to the needle in a sewing machine; or of producing progressive operation upon any material or object in a machine, as, in a turning lathe, by moving the cutting tool along or in the work.