
    feel 对比 experience
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    (1).中国译典 feel experience
    1. 摸,触;试探[+wh-]2. 感觉;感知;经受[W][O4][O3][+(that)]3. 认为,以为;相信[+(that)][O8][O9]4. 受...影响,vi.1. 有感觉;觉得[L]I felt hurt.,我感到伤心。,2. 摸索;摸索着寻找,3. (客体)给人某种感觉;(摸上去)给人(某种)手感[W][L][Q]3. 感觉,气氛
    n. 【机械】
    【医学】 【中医】
    1. 经验,体验[U][(+of/in)]2. 经历,阅历[C]vt.1. 经历;体验,2. 感受;遭受
    (2).维基词典 feel experience
    To use the sense of touch.
    To become aware of through the skin; to use the sense of touch on.
    To find one’s way (literally or figuratively) by touching or using cautious movements.
    To receive information by touch or by any neurons other than those responsible for sight, smell, taste, or hearing.
    To sense or think emotionally or judgmentally.
    To search by sense of touch.
    To experience an emotion or other mental state about.
    To think, believe, or have an impression concerning.
    To experience an emotion or other mental state.
    To be or become aware of.
    To experience the consequences of.
    To seem (through touch or otherwise).
    To understand.
    A quality of an object experienced by touch.
    A vague mental impression.
    An act of fondling.
    A vague understanding.
    An intuitive ability.
    Alternative form of feeling.
    alternative form of fele
    alternative form of fele
    alternative form of fele
    Event(s) of which one is cognizant.
    An activity one has performed.
    A activities from which an individual or group may gather knowledge, opinions, and skills.
    The knowledge thus gathered.
    To observe certain events; undergo a certain feeling or process; or perform certain actions that may alter one or contribute to one’s knowledge, opinions, or skills.
    (3).牛津词典 feel experience
    be aware of (a person or object) through touching or being touched
    be aware of (something happening) through physical sensation
    examine or search by touch
    be capable of sensation
    give a sensation of a particular physical quality when touched
    investigate something cautiously
    fondle someone surreptitiously and without their consent, for one’s own sexual stimulation.
    experience (an emotion or sensation)
    consider oneself to be in a particular state or exhibiting particular qualities
    have the strength and energy to do or deal with
    be healthy and well
    be strongly affected by
    have compassion for
    have a belief or impression, especially without an identifiable reason
    hold an opinion
    an act of touching something to examine it.
    the sense of touch
    a sensation given by an object or material when touched
    the impression given by something
    feelings of heightened emotion
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 feel experience
    To perceive by the touch; to take cognizance of by means of the nerves of sensation distributed all over the body, especially by those of the skin; to have sensation excited by contact of (a thing) with the body or limbs.
    To touch; to handle; to examine by touching; as, feel this piece of silk; hence, to make trial of; to test; often with out.
    To perceive by the mind; to have a sense of; to experience; to be affected by; to be sensible of, or sensitive to; as, to feel pleasure; to feel pain.
    To take internal cognizance of; to be conscious of; to have an inward persuasion of.
    To perceive; to observe.
    To have perception by the touch, or by contact of anything with the nerves of sensation, especially those upon the surface of the body.
    To have the sensibilities moved or affected.
    To be conscious of an inward impression, state of mind, persuasion, physical condition, etc.; to perceive one’s self to be; - followed by an adjective describing the state, etc.; as, to feel assured, grieved, persuaded.
    To know with feeling; to be conscious; hence, to know certainly or without misgiving.
    To appear to the touch; to give a perception; to produce an impression by the nerves of sensation; - followed by an adjective describing the kind of sensation.
    Feeling; perception.
    A sensation communicated by touching; impression made upon one who touches or handles; as, this leather has a greasy feel.
    Trial, as a test or experiment.
    The effect upon the judgment or feelings produced by any event, whether witnessed or participated in; personal and direct impressions as contrasted with description or fancies; personal acquaintance; actual enjoyment or suffering.
    An act of knowledge, one or more, by which single facts or general truths are ascertained; experimental or inductive knowledge; hence, implying skill, facility, or practical wisdom gained by personal knowledge, feeling or action; as, a king without experience of war.
    To make practical acquaintance with; to try personally; to prove by use or trial; to have trial of; to have the lot or fortune of; to have befall one; to be affected by; to feel; as, to experience pain or pleasure; to experience poverty; to experience a change of views.
    To exercise; to train by practice.