
    footer 对比 header
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 footer header
    1. 步行的人,2. (常用于复合字中)高...英尺的人
    Level frame part enclosing the upper part of a door’s opening.
    扩展解释:n. 【医学】 【医学】
    1. 装桶盖(或钉头等的)工人(或机器),2. 收割机,3. 【口】头朝下跳落,4. 【电】顶盖,座,5. 【足】头球
    n. 【机械】
    (2).维基词典 footer header
    A footgoer; pedestrian
    A line of information printed at the bottom of a page as identification of the document (compare foot, 12).
    something that is a stated number of feet in some dimension - such as a six-footer.
    someone who has a preference for a certain foot - such as right-footer/left-footer
    Football / soccer.
    To meddle with or pass time without accomplishing anything meaningful.
    The upper portion of a page (or other) layout.
    titling or summarizing it.
    Text, or other visual information, that goes at the top of a column of information in a table.
    A font, text style, or typesetting used for any of the above.
    The first part of a file or record that describes its contents.
    clipping of header file
    the first part of a packet, often containing its address and descriptors
    A brick that is laid sideways at the top of a wall or within the brickwork with the short side showing; compare stretcher.
    A horizontal structural or finish piece over an opening.
    A machine that separates and gathers the heads of grain etc.
    The act of hitting the ball with the head.
    Someone who heads the ball
    A headlong fall or jump.
    A raised tank that supplies water at constant pressure, especially to a central heating and hot water system.
    A pipe which connects several smaller pipes.
    The rodeo performer who drives the steer toward the heeler to be tied.
    To strike (a ball) with one’s head.
    (3).牛津词典 footer header
    a shot or pass made with the head.
    a headlong fall or dive.
    a brick or stone laid at right angles to the face of a wall.
    a line or block of text appearing at the top of each page of a book or document.
    the part of an email before the message, containing information such as the subject and sender.
    a raised tank of water maintaining pressure in a plumbing system.
    a person who ropes a steer by its head (as opposed to its heels), especially in a team-roping rodeo event
    a mad or foolish person.
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 footer header
    a person who travels by foot.
    One who, or that which, heads nails, rivets, etc., esp. a machine for heading.
    One who heads a movement, a party, or a mob; head; chief; leader.
    A brick or stone laid with its shorter face or head in the surface of the wall.
    A reaper for wheat, that cuts off the heads only.
    A fall or plunge head first, as while riding a bicycle, or a skateboard, or in bathing; - sometimes, implying the striking of the head on the ground; as, to take a header.