
    handsy 对比 handy
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).维基词典 handsy handy
    Prone to touching other people with one’s hands, especially inappropriately.
    Moving the hands and wrists excessively when making a stroke or swing,
    Easy to use, useful.
    Nearby, within reach.
    Of a person: dexterous, skilful
    Of a freight ship: having a small cargo capacity (less than 40,000 DWT); belonging to the handysize class.
    hand job
    (2).韦伯斯特词典 handsy handy
    Performed by the hand.
    Skillful in using the hand; dexterous; ready; adroit.
    Ready to the hand; near; also, suited to the use of the hand; convenient; valuable for reference or use; as, my tools are handy; a handy volume.
    Easily managed; obedient to the helm; - said of a vessel.