
    having 对比 have
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 having have
    1. 所有,2. (常复数)持有物;所有财产
    [口语] 有 (= have).
    (2).维基词典 having have
    present participle of have
    Something owned; possession; goods; estate.
    To possess, own, hold.
    To be related in some way to (with the object identifying the relationship).
    To partake of a particular substance (especially a food or drink) or action.
    To be scheduled to attend or participate in.
    Used in forming the perfect aspect and the past perfect aspect.
    See have to.
    To give birth to.
    To engage in sexual intercourse with.
    To accept as a romantic partner.
    To cause to, by a command, request or invitation.
    To cause to be.
    To be affected by an occurrence. (Used in supplying a topic that is not a verb argument.)
    To depict as being.
    Used as interrogative auxiliary verb with a following pronoun to form tag questions. (For further discussion, see "Usage notes" below.)
    To defeat in a fight; take.
    To be able to speak a language.
    To feel or be (especially painfully) aware of.
    To be afflicted with, suffer from.
    To experience, go through, undergo.
    To trick, to deceive.
    To allow; to tolerate.
    To believe, buy, be taken in by.
    To host someone; to take in as a guest.
    To get a reading, measurement, or result from an instrument or calculation.
    To consider a court proceeding that has been completed; to begin deliberations on a case.
    A wealthy or privileged person.
    One who has some (contextually specified) thing.
    A fraud or deception; something misleading.
    (3).牛津词典 having have
    possess, own, or hold
    possess (a quality, characteristic, or feature)
    provide or indulge oneself with (something)
    be made up of; comprise
    used to indicate a particular relationship
    be able to make use of (something available or at one’s disposal)
    have gained (a qualification)
    possess as an intellectual attainment; know (a language or subject)
    experience; undergo
    suffer from (an illness, ailment, or disability)
    let (a feeling or thought) come into one’s mind; hold in the mind
    experience or suffer the specified action happening or being done to (something)
    cause to be in a particular state or condition
    cause (something) to be done for one by someone else
    tell or arrange for (someone) to do something for one
    have put (someone) at a disadvantage in an argument
    cheat or deceive (someone)
    engage in sexual intercourse with.
    be obliged or find it necessary to do the specified thing
    be strongly recommended to do something
    be certain or inevitable to happen or be the case
    perform the action indicated by the noun specified (used especially in spoken English as an alternative to a more specific verb)
    organize and bring about
    eat or drink
    give birth to or be due to give birth to
    show (a personal attribute or quality) by one’s actions or attitude
    exercise or show (mercy, pity, etc.) towards another person
    accept or tolerate
    place or keep (something) in a particular position
    hold or grasp in a particular way
    be the recipient of (something sent, given, or done)
    take or invite into one’s home so as to provide care or entertainment
    used with a past participle to form the perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect tenses, and the conditional mood
    people with plenty of money and possessions
    a swindle.
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 having have
    Possession; goods; estate.
    To hold in possession or control; to own; as, he has a farm.
    To possess, as something which appertains to, is connected with, or affects, one.
    To accept possession of; to take or accept.
    To get possession of; to obtain; to get.
    To cause or procure to be; to effect; to exact; to desire; to require.
    To bear, as young; as, she has just had a child.
    To hold, regard, or esteem.
    To cause or force to go; to take.
    To take or hold (one’s self); to proceed promptly; - used reflexively, often with ellipsis of the pronoun; as, to have after one; to have at one or at a thing, i. e., to aim at one or at a thing; to attack; to have with a companion.
    To be under necessity or obligation; to be compelled; followed by an infinitive.
    To understand.
    To put in an awkward position; to have the advantage of; as, that is where he had him.