
    hawk 对比 eagle
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 hawk eagle
    Plate with a short handle, used mainly to hold mortar, plaster and coatings when applying them to a ...
    1. 叫卖;兜售,2. 散播(消息等)
    n. 【化学】
    [C]1. 鹰,隼,2. 贪婪的家伙;骗子,3. 鹰派人物,主战派成员,vi.1. 放鹰行猎,He’s gone hawking.,他带着鹰出猎了。,vt.1. (如鹰般)捕捉
    鹰, 秃鹰, 鹰徽(美国国徽)
    Widely prevalent raptor with piercing eyes, a hooked beak and sharp talons allowing it to catch live...
    扩展解释:n. 【化学】
    [C]1. 鹰,2. 鹰状;鹰旗
    (2).维基词典 hawk eagle
    A diurnal predatory bird of the family Accipitridae, smaller than an eagle.
    Any diurnal predatory terrestrial bird of similar size and and appearance to the accipitrid hawks, such as a falcon
    An advocate of aggressive political positions and actions; a warmonger.
    An uncooperative or purely-selfish participant in an exchange or game, especially when untrusting, acquisitive or treacherous. Refers specifically to the Prisoner’s Dilemma, alias the Hawk-Dove game.
    A plasterer’s tool, made of a flat surface with a handle below, used to hold an amount of plaster prior to application to the wall or ceiling being worked on: a mortarboard.
    A noisy effort to force up phlegm from the throat.
    To hunt with a hawk.
    To make an attack while on the wing; to soar and strike like a hawk.
    To sell; to offer for sale by outcry in the street; to carry (merchandise) about from place to place for sale; to peddle.
    To cough up something from one’s throat.
    To try to cough up something from one’s throat; to clear the throat loudly.
    Any of several large carnivorous and carrion-eating birds in the family Accipitridae, having a powerful hooked bill and keen vision.
    A representation of such a bird carried as an emblem, e.g. on a coat of arms.
    A gold coin with a face value of ten dollars, formerly used in the United States.
    A 13th-century coin minted in Europe and circulated in England as a debased sterling silver penny, outlawed under Edward I.
    A score of two under par for a hole.
    To score an eagle.
    (3).韦伯斯特词典 hawk eagle
    One of numerous species and genera of rapacious birds of the family Falconidæ. They differ from the true falcons in lacking the prominent tooth and notch of the bill, and in having shorter and less pointed wings. Many are of large size and grade into the eagles. Some, as the goshawk, were formerly trained like falcons. In a more general sense the word is not infrequently applied, also, to true falcons, as the sparrow hawk, pigeon hawk, duck hawk, and prairie hawk.
    An effort to force up phlegm from the throat, accompanied with noise.
    A small board, with a handle on the under side, to hold mortar.
    To catch, or attempt to catch, birds by means of hawks trained for the purpose, and let loose on the prey; to practice falconry.
    To make an attack while on the wing; to soar and strike like a hawk; - generally with at; as, to hawk at flies.
    To clear the throat with an audible sound by forcing an expiratory current of air through the narrow passage between the depressed soft palate and the root of the tongue, thus aiding in the removal of foreign substances.
    To raise by hawking, as phlegm.
    To offer for sale by outcry in the street; to carry (merchandise) about from place to place for sale; to peddle; as, to hawk goods or pamphlets.
    Any large, rapacious bird of the Falcon family, esp. of the genera Aquila and Haliæetus. The eagle is remarkable for strength, size, graceful figure, keenness of vision, and extraordinary flight. The most noted species are the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaëtus); the imperial eagle of Europe (Aquila mogilnik or Aquila imperialis); the American bald eagle (Haliæetus leucocephalus); the European sea eagle (Haliæetus albicilla); and the great harpy eagle (Thrasaetus harpyia). The figure of the eagle, as the king of birds, is commonly used as an heraldic emblem, and also for standards and emblematic devices. See Bald eagle, Harpy, and Golden eagle.
    A gold coin of the United States, of the value of ten dollars.
    A northern constellation, containing Altair, a star of the first magnitude. See Aquila.
    The figure of an eagle borne as an emblem on the standard of the ancient Romans, or so used upon the seal or standard of any people.