
    hay 对比 make
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    (1).中国译典 hay make
    [U]1. (做饲料用的)干草,2. 小额款项;钱,3. 【俚】床,vi.1. 割草晒干,vt.1. 把(草)晒干,2. 用干草喂
    【中国传统】 【星宿】
    n. 【农业】
    (2).维基词典 hay make
    Grass cut and dried for use as animal fodder.
    Any mix of green leafy plants used for fodder.
    Cannabis; marijuana.
    A net set around the haunt of an animal, especially a rabbit.
    A hedge.
    A circular country dance.
    The letter for the h sound in Pitman shorthand.
    To cut grasses or herb plants for use as animal fodder.
    To lay snares for rabbits.
    To create.
    To build, construct, or produce.
    To write or compose.
    To bring about; to effect or produce by means of some action.
    To behave, to act.
    To tend; to contribute; to have effect; with for or against.
    To constitute.
    To interpret.
    To bring into success.
    To cause to be.
    To cause to appear to be; to represent as.
    To create as, earth, heaven, stars, etc.
    To cause (to do something); to compel (to do something).
    To force to do.
    To indicate or suggest to be.
    To cover neatly with bedclothes.
    To recognise, identify.
    To arrive at a destination, usually at or by a certain time.
    To proceed (in a direction).
    To appoint; to name.
    To induct into the Mafia or a similar organization (as a made man).
    To defecate or urinate.
    To earn, to gain (money, points, membership or status).
    To pay, to cover (an expense); chiefly used after expressions of inability.
    To compose verses; to write poetry; to versify.
    To enact; to establish.
    To develop into; to prove to be.
    To form or formulate in the mind.
    To perform a feat.
    To act in a certain manner; to have to do; to manage; to interfere; to be active; often in the phrase to meddle or make.
    To increase; to augment; to accrue.
    To be engaged or concerned in.
    To cause to be (in a specified place), used after a subjective what.
    To take the virginity of.
    Brand or kind; often paired with model. t
    How a thing is made; construction. s
    Origin of a manufactured article; manufacture. s
    Quantity produced, especially of materials. s
    The act or process of making something, especially in industrial manufacturing. s
    A person’s character or disposition. s
    The declaration of the trump for a hand.
    The closing of an electrical circuit. s
    A software utility for automatically building large applications, or an implementation of this utility.
    Recognition or identification, especially from police records or evidence. s
    Past or future target of seduction (usually female). s
    A promotion.
    A home-made project
    A made basket.
    Mate; a spouse or companion.
    A halfpenny. from 16th c.
    (3).韦伯斯特词典 hay make
    A hedge.
    A net set around the haunt of an animal, especially of a rabbit.
    Grass cut and cured for fodder.
    To lay snares for rabbits.
    To cut and cure grass for hay.
    A companion; a mate; often, a husband or a wife.
    Structure, texture, constitution of parts; construction; shape; form.
    To cause to exist; to bring into being; to form; to produce; to frame; to fashion; to create.
    To produce, as something artificial, unnatural, or false; - often with up; as, to make up a story.
    To cause to be or become; to put into a given state verb, or adjective; to constitute; as, to make known; to make public; to make fast.
    To bring about; to bring forward; to be the cause or agent of; to effect, do, perform, or execute; - often used with a noun to form a phrase equivalent to the simple verb that corresponds to such noun; as, to make complaint, for to complain; to make record of, for to record; to make abode, for to abide, etc.
    To cause to appear to be; to constitute subjectively; to esteem, suppose, or represent.
    To execute with the requisite formalities; as, to make a bill, note, will, deed, etc.
    To require; to constrain; to compel; to force; to cause; to occasion; - followed by a noun or pronoun and infinitive.
    To find, as the result of calculation or computation; to ascertain by enumeration; to find the number or amount of, by reckoning, weighing, measurement, and the like; as, he made the distance of; to travel over; as, the ship makes ten knots an hour; he made the distance in one day.
    To become; to be, or to be capable of being, changed or fashioned into; to do the part or office of; to furnish the material for; as, he will make a good musician; sweet cider makes sour vinegar; wool makes warm clothing.
    To compose, as parts, ingredients, or materials; to constitute; to form; to amount to; as, a pound of ham makes a hearty meal.
    To be engaged or concerned in.
    To reach; to attain; to arrive at or in sight of.
    To act in a certain manner; to have to do; to manage; to interfere; to be active; - often in the phrase to meddle or make.
    To proceed; to tend; to move; to go; as, he made toward home; the tiger made at the sportsmen.
    To tend; to contribute; to have effect; - with for or against; as, it makes for his advantage.
    To compose verses; to write poetry; to versify.