
    heel 对比 hound
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 heel hound
    Rear portion of the wall of the hoof between the quarters and opposite the toe.
    1. 使(船)倾斜,vi.1. (船)倾斜[(+over)]n.1. (船的)侧倾,2. 倾侧度
    [C]1. 脚后跟,踵,2. (鞋,袜等的)后跟,3. 踵状物;底部;根部,4. 高跟鞋[P]5. 卑鄙的人,可恶的人,vt.1. 给(鞋等)装后跟,2. 紧跟;紧追,3. 【橄】用脚跟往回传,vi.1. 在后紧随;紧追,2. 用脚后跟跳舞
    n. 【化学】
    n. 【机械】
    ① 猎狗;?? 是;
    扩展解释:n. 【机械】
    n. 【化学】
    n. 【农业】
    [C]1. 猎犬,2. 【英】一群猎狐犬[the P]3. 卑劣的人,4. 有瘾的人,迷,vt.1. (用猎狗等)追猎;紧追,2. 追逼;(不断地)烦扰,3. 催促
    (2).维基词典 heel hound
    The rear part of the foot, where it joins the leg.
    The part of a shoe’s sole which supports the foot’s heel.
    The rear part of a sock or similar covering for the foot.
    The part of the palm of a hand closest to the wrist.
    A woman’s high-heeled shoe.
    The back, upper part of the stock.
    The last or lowest part of anything.
    A crust end-piece of a loaf of bread.
    The base of a bun sliced in half lengthwise.
    A contemptible, inconsiderate or thoughtless person.
    A headlining wrestler regarded as a "bad guy," whose ring persona embodies villainous or reprehensible traits and demonstrates characteristics of a braggart and a bully.
    The cards set aside for later use in a patience or solitaire game.
    Anything resembling a human heel in shape; a protuberance; a knob.
    The lower end of a timber in a frame, as a post or rafter.
    The obtuse angle of the lower end of a rafter set sloping.
    A cyma reversa.
    The short side of an angled cut.
    The part of a club head’s face nearest the shaft.
    In a carding machine, the part of a flat nearest the cylinder.
    The act of inclining or canting from a vertical position; a cant.
    To follow at somebody’s heels; to chase closely.
    To add a heel to, or increase the size of the heel of (a shoe or boot).
    To kick with the heel.
    To perform by the use of the heels, as in dancing, running, etc.
    To arm with a gaff, as a cock for fighting.
    To hit (the ball) with the heel of the club.
    To make (a fair catch) standing with one foot forward, the heel on the ground and the toe up.
    To incline to one side; to tilt.
    A dog, particularly a breed with a good sense of smell developed for hunting other animals.
    Any canine animal.
    Someone who seeks something.
    A male who constantly seeks the company of desirable women.
    A despicable person.
    A houndfish.
    Projections at the masthead, serving as a support for the trestletrees and top to rest on.
    A side bar used to strengthen portions of the running gear of a vehicle.
    To persistently harass.
    To urge on against; to set (dogs) upon in hunting.
    (3).韦伯斯特词典 heel hound
    To lean or tip to one side, as a ship; as, the ship heels aport; the boat heeled over when the squall struck it.
    The hinder part of the foot; sometimes, the whole foot; - in man or quadrupeds.
    The hinder part of any covering for the foot, as of a shoe, sock, etc.; specif., a solid part projecting downward from the hinder part of the sole of a boot or shoe.
    The latter or remaining part of anything; the closing or concluding part.
    Anything regarded as like a human heel in shape; a protuberance; a knob.
    The part of a thing corresponding in position to the human heel; the lower part, or part on which a thing rests
    Management by the heel, especially the spurred heel; as, the horse understands the heel well.
    The lower end of a timber in a frame, as a post or rafter. In the United States, specif., the obtuse angle of the lower end of a rafter set sloping.
    The part of the face of the club head nearest the shaft.
    In a carding machine, the part of a flat nearest the cylinder.
    To perform by the use of the heels, as in dancing, running, and the like.
    To add a heel to; as, to heel a shoe.
    To arm with a gaff, as a cock for fighting.
    To hit (the ball) with the heel of the club.
    To make (a fair catch) standing with one foot advanced, the heel on the ground and the toe up.
    A variety of the domestic dog, usually having large, drooping ears, esp. one which hunts game by scent, as the foxhound, bloodhound, deerhound, but also used for various breeds of fleet hunting dogs, as the greyhound, boarhound, etc.
    A despicable person.
    A houndfish.
    Projections at the masthead, serving as a support for the trestletrees and top to rest on.
    A side bar used to strengthen portions of the running gear of a vehicle.
    To set on the chase; to incite to pursuit; as, to hounda dog at a hare; to hound on pursuers.
    To hunt or chase with hounds, or as with hounds.