
    idea 对比 ideal
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    (1).中国译典 idea ideal
    扩展解释:n. 【能源工程】
    1. 主意;打算;计划[C][(+of)][+to-v][+that]He is full of ideas.,他主意很多。,2. 构想;概念[C][U][(+of)]3. 了解,明白[C][(+of)][+wh-]4. 臆测;推量[C][+(that)]5. 意见,见解;信念[(+about/on)][+that]6. 思想;观念[C][U]
    【医学】 【中医】
    n. 【法律专业】
    思想 ,意见,意思
    扩展解释:adj. 【化学】
    a.1. 理想的,完美的,2. 非常合适的[(+for)]3. 想像上的,假设的,4. 空想的,不切实际的,n.[C]1. 理想[P1]2. 完美的典型,典范
    n. 【机械】
    (2).维基词典 idea ideal
    An abstract archetype of a given thing, compared to which real-life examples are seen as imperfect approximations; pure essence, as opposed to actual examples. from 14th c.
    The conception of someone or something as representing a perfect example; an ideal. 16th-19th c.
    The form or shape of something; a quintessential aspect or characteristic. 16th-18th c.
    An image of an object that is formed in the mind or recalled by the memory. from 16th c.
    More generally, any result of mental activity; a thought, a notion; a way of thinking. from 17th c.
    A conception in the mind of something to be done; a plan for doing something, an intention. from 17th c.
    A purposeful aim or goal; intent
    A vague or fanciful notion; a feeling or hunch; an impression. from 17th c.
    A musical theme or melodic subject. from 18th c.
    (3).牛津词典 idea ideal
    a thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action
    a mental impression
    an opinion or belief
    the aim or purpose
    (in Platonic thought) an eternally existing pattern of which individual things in any class are imperfect copies.
    (in Kantian thought) a concept of pure reason, not empirically based in experience.
    satisfying one’s conception of what is perfect; most suitable
    existing only in the imagination; desirable or perfect but not likely to become a reality
    representing an abstract or hypothetical optimum
    a person or thing regarded as perfect
    a standard or principle to be aimed at
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 idea ideal
    The transcript, image, or picture of a visible object, that is formed by the mind; also, a similar image of any object whatever, whether sensible or spiritual.
    A general notion, or a conception formed by generalization.
    Hence: Any object apprehended, conceived, or thought of, by the mind; a notion, conception, or thought; the real object that is conceived or thought of.
    A belief, option, or doctrine; a characteristic or controlling principle; as, an essential idea; the idea of development.
    A plan or purpose of action; intention; design.
    A rational conception; the complete conception of an object when thought of in all its essential elements or constituents; the necessary metaphysical or constituent attributes and relations, when conceived in the abstract.
    A fiction object or picture created by the imagination; the same when proposed as a pattern to be copied, or a standard to be reached; one of the archetypes or patterns of created things, conceived by the Platonists to have excited objectively from eternity in the mind of the Deity.
    Existing in idea or thought; conceptional; intellectual; mental; as, ideal knowledge.
    Reaching an imaginary standard of excellence; fit for a model; faultless; as, ideal beauty.
    Existing in fancy or imagination only; visionary; unreal.
    Teaching the doctrine of idealism; as, the ideal theory or philosophy.
    A mental conception regarded as a standard of perfection; a model of excellence, beauty, etc.