
    idol 对比 idle
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    (1).中国译典 idol idle
    [C]1. 偶像,2. 受崇拜之人(或物);红人,宠儿
    adj. 【化学】
    adj. 【法律专业】
    无根据 ,无意义
    n. 【机械】
    a.1. 不工作的;闲置的;空闲的,2. 懒惰的;无所事事的,3. 无根据的;无理由的,4. 无目的的;无益的;无聊的,5. 空转的;空载的,vi.1. 无所事事;闲混;闲逛,2. (机器)空转,vt.1. 虚度(光阴)[(+away)]2. 使空闲;使空转
    (2).维基词典 idol idle
    A graven image or representation of anything that is revered, or believed to convey spiritual power.
    A cultural icon, or especially popular person.
    Popular entertainer; usually young, captivating, attractive; and often female, with an image of being close to fans.
    An eidolon or phantom; something misleading or elusive.
    Empty, vacant.
    Not being used appropriately; not occupied; (of time) with no, no important, or not much activity.
    Not engaged in any occupation or employment; unemployed; inactive; doing nothing in particular.
    Averse to work, labor or employment; lazy; slothful.
    Of no importance; useless; worthless; vain; trifling; thoughtless; silly.
    Light-headed; foolish.
    To spend in idleness; to waste; to consume.
    To lose or spend time doing nothing, or without being employed in business.
    Of an engine: to run at a slow speed, or out of gear; to tick over.
    An idle animation.
    An idle game.
    (3).牛津词典 idol idle
    an image or representation of a god used as an object of worship.
    a person or thing that is greatly admired, loved, or revered
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 idol idle
    An image or representation of anything.
    An image of a divinity; a representation or symbol of a deity or any other being or thing, made or used as an object of worship; a similitude of a false god.
    That on which the affections are strongly (often excessively) set; an object of passionate devotion; a person or thing greatly loved or adored.
    A false notion or conception; a fallacy.
    Of no account; useless; vain; trifling; unprofitable; thoughtless; silly; barren.
    Not called into active service; not turned to appropriate use; unemployed; as, idle hours.
    Not employed; unoccupied with business; inactive; doing nothing; as, idle workmen.
    Given rest and ease; averse to labor or employment; lazy; slothful; as, an idle fellow.
    Light-headed; foolish.
    To lose or spend time in inaction, or without being employed in business.
    To spend in idleness; to waste; to consume; - often followed by away; as, to idle away an hour a day.