【Anger】 , 【incense】 , 【enrage】 , 【infuriate】 and 【madden】 all these verbs carry in common with 【anger】 , their general term, the denotation to make angry or to rouse to 【anger】 .
laugh then at any, but at fools or foes; these you but 【anger】 , and you mend not those —Pope
angered by his son’s repeated disobedience
【Incense】 implies hotness of 【anger】 , especially as provoked by something excessively irritating and offensive
Mr. Critchlow, aged and unaccustomed to interference, had to render accounts of his trusteeship to this young man, and was incensed —Bennett
magistrates and populace were incensed at a refusal of customary marks of courtesy and respect for the laws —Inge
【Enrage】 suggests a violent display of wrath or fury.
I pray you, speak not . . . question enrages him —Shak.
【Infuriate】 may imply a sense of being outraged or sometimes no more than of being thoroughly irritated or exasperated.
how it infuriates a bigot, when he is forced to drag into the light his dark convictions! — L. P. Smith
his colleagues and his subordinates had been alternately delighted and infuriated by his assumed reluctance to deal with any practical question —Sackville-West
【Madden】 is often not distinguishable from 【infuriate】 .
can it be fancied that Deity ever vindictively made in his image a mannikin merely to 【madden】 it? —Poe
Like the former it may imply merely excessive annoyance or vexation.