
    integrity 对比 honor
    分析 词典对比 组词对比

    • Honesty】 , 【honor】 ,  【integrity】 ,  【probity】  are comparable when meaning uprightness as evidenced in character and actions.

      Honesty】 implies refusal to lie, steal, defraud, or deceive.

      Honor】  (see also FAME ) adds to  【honesty】 the implication of high-mindedness or a nice sense of allegiance to the standards of one′s profession, calling, or position.

      Integrity】 implies such rectitude that one is incorruptible or incapable of being false to a trust or a responsibility or to one′s own standards.

      Probity】 stresses tried or proved 【honesty】 or 【integrity】 .

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