
    languish 对比 languid
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 languish languid
    1. 变得无生气,衰弱,2. (植物等)凋萎,3. 长期受苦,4. 焦思,因渴望而苦恼[(+for)]
    Metal plate that the air strikes before exiting the flue.
    软弱无力的,倦怠的; 不感兴趣的,没精打采的,; 无生气的;呆滞的;迟缓的
    【医学】 【中医】
    (2).维基词典 languish languid
    To lose strength and become weak; to be in a state of weakness or sickness. from 14th c.
    To pine away in longing for something; to have low spirits, especially from lovesickness. from 14th c.
    To live in miserable or disheartening conditions. from 15th c.
    To be neglected; to make little progress, be unsuccessful. from 17th c.
    To make weak; to weaken, devastate. 15th-17th c.
    To affect a languid air, especially disingenuously. from 18th c.
    Lacking enthusiasm, energy, or strength; drooping or flagging from weakness, fatigue, or lack of energy
    Heavy; dull; dragging; wanting spirit or animation; listless; apathetic.
    A languet in an organ musical instrument.
    (3).韦伯斯特词典 languish languid
    To become languid or weak; to lose strength or animation; to be or become dull, feeble or spiritless; to pine away; to linger in a weak or deteriorating condition; to wither or fade.
    To assume an expression of weariness or tender grief, appealing for sympathy.
    To be neglected and unattended to; as, the proposal languished on the director’s desk for months.
    To cause to droop or pine.
    See Languishment.
    Drooping or flagging from exhaustion; indisposed to exertion; without animation; weak; weary; heavy; dull.
    Slow in progress; tardy.
    Promoting or indicating weakness or heaviness; as, a languid day.