
    local 对比 domestic
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 local domestic
    a.1. 地方性的;当地的,本地的,2. 乡土的,狭隘的,3. 局部的,4. 【美】(公共交通工具)每站停的,n.[C]1. 当地居民,本地人[P]2. 【美】【口】(报纸上的)本地新闻;地方性节目,3. 慢车(指沿途每站停的火车或公共汽车),4. 【美】(工会等组织的)地方分会
    adj. 【化学】
    adj. 【法律专业】
    当地 ,地方,地方性的,地域,局部, 本地
    【修】局部,本地,地区[L,LCL,LOC];= LOgic Circuit Analyzer Language,逻辑电路分析器语言
    adj. 【机械】
    a.1. 家庭的,家事的,2. 国家的;国内的,3. 一心只管家务的;一心追求家庭乐趣的,4. 驯养的,n.1. 仆人,佣人[C]2. 【美】国货[P]
    adj. 【法律专业】
    本国 ,境内
    adj. 【化学】
    (2).维基词典 local domestic
    From or in a nearby location.
    Having limited scope (either lexical or dynamic); only being accessible within a certain portion of a program.
    Applying to each point in a space rather than the space as a whole.
    Of or pertaining to a restricted part of an organism.
    Descended from an indigenous population.
    A person who lives near a given place.
    A branch of a nationwide organization such as a trade union.
    A train that stops at all, or almost all, stations between its origin and destination, including very small ones.
    One’s nearest or regularly frequented public house or bar.
    A locally scoped identifier.
    An item of news relating to the place where the newspaper is published.
    clipping of local anesthetic
    Of or relating to the home.
    Of or relating to activities normally associated with the home, wherever they actually occur.
    Kept by someone, for example as a farm animal or a pet.
    Internal to a specific country.
    Tending to stay at home; not outgoing.
    A house servant; a maid; a household worker.
    A domestic dispute, whether verbal or violent
    (3).牛津词典 local domestic
    relating or restricted to a particular area or one’s neighbourhood
    denoting a telephone call made to a nearby place and charged at a relatively low rate.
    denoting a train or bus serving a particular district, with frequent stops
    (in technical use) relating to a particular region or part, or to each of any number of these
    denoting a variable or other entity that is only available for use in one part of a program.
    denoting a device that can be accessed without the use of a network.
    an inhabitant of a particular area or neighbourhood
    a pub convenient to a person’s home
    a local train or bus service
    a local branch of an organization, especially a trade union.
    a floor trader who trades on their own account, rather than on behalf of other investors.
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 local domestic
    Of or pertaining to a particular place, or to a definite region or portion of space; restricted to one place or region; as, a local custom.
    A train which receives and deposits passengers or freight along the line of the road; a train for the accommodation of a certain district.
    In newspaper cant, an item of news relating to the place where the paper is published.
    A train or bus which stops at all stations along a line, as contrasted with an express, which stops only at certain stations designated as express stops.
    Of or pertaining to one’s house or home, or one’s household or family; relating to home life; as, domestic concerns, life, duties, cares, happiness, worship, servants.
    Remaining much at home; devoted to home duties or pleasures; as, a domestic man or woman.
    Of or pertaining to a nation considered as a family or home, or to one’s own country; intestine; not foreign; as, foreign wars and domestic dissensions.
    Living in or near the habitations of man; domesticated; tame as distinguished from wild; as, domestic animals.
    Made in one’s own house, nation, or country; as, domestic manufactures, wines, etc.
    One who lives in the family of an other, as hired household assistant; a house servant.
    Articles of home manufacture, especially cotton goods.