
    long 对比 large
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 long large
    [ long for sth, long to do sth]渴望;极想;
    扩展解释:adj. 【化学】
    adj. 【计算机】
    a.1. 长的;远的,2. 长久的,3. 冗长的;过久的,4. (记忆力)能记得久远的,5. 希望渺茫的,6. 【语】长音的,ad.1. 长久地,2. 始终,n.1. 长时间;长时期[U]2. 【语】长音节[C]3. 长裤[P]
    adj. 【法律专业】
    长 ,长期
    1. 渴望[+to-v][(+for/after)]
    〖英文通用名〗Vitamin C〖中文通用名〗维生素C
    n. 【农业】
    ① (体积,容积,面积,规模,范围等)大的;
    扩展解释:adj. 【建筑工程】
    a.1. 大的,宽大的;大规模的,2. 多的,多量的,多数的,3. 广博的;广泛的,ad.1. 大,大大地,2. 夸大地,n.1. (一般只用于惯用语中)大
    adj. 【化学】
    (2).维基词典 long large
    Having much distance from one terminating point on an object or an area to another terminating point usually applies to horizontal dimensions; see Usage Notes below.
    Having great duration.
    Seemingly lasting a lot of time, because it is boring or tedious or tiring.
    Not short; tall.
    Possessing or owning stocks, bonds, commodities or other financial instruments with the aim of benefiting of the expected rise in their value.
    Of a fielding position, close to the boundary (or closer to the boundary than the equivalent short position).
    That land beyond the baseline (and therefore is out).
    Occurring or coming after an extended interval; distant in time; far away.
    On account of, because of.
    Over a great distance in space.
    For a particular duration.
    For a long duration.
    A long vowel.
    A long integer variable, twice the size of an int, two or four times the size of a short, and half of a long long.
    An entity with a long position in an asset.
    A note formerly used in music, one half the length of a large, twice that of a breve.
    To take a long position in.
    To await, aspire, desire greatly (something to occur or to be true)
    To be appropriate to, to pertain or belong to.
    Of considerable or relatively great size or extent.
    Abundant; ample.
    Full in statement; diffuse; profuse.
    Free; unencumbered.
    Unrestrained by decorum; said of language.
    Crossing the line of a ship’s course in a favorable direction; said of the wind when it is abeam, or between the beam and the quarter.
    An old musical note, equal to two longas, four breves, or eight semibreves.
    Liberality, generosity.
    A thousand dollars/pounds.
    A large serving of something.
    Before the wind.
    (3).牛津词典 long large
    of considerable or relatively great size, extent, or capacity
    pursuing a commercial activity on a significant scale
    of wide range or scope
    enjoy oneself in a lively way with drink or drugs and music
    another term for free (sense 2 of the adverb)
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 long large
    Drawn out in a line, or in the direction of length; protracted; extended; as, a long line; - opposed to short, and distinguished from broad or wide.
    Drawn out or extended in time; continued through a considerable tine, or to a great length; as, a long series of events; a long debate; a long drama; a long history; a long book.
    Slow in passing; causing weariness by length or duration; lingering; as, long hours of watching.
    Occurring or coming after an extended interval; distant in time; far away.
    Having a length of the specified measure; of a specified length; as, a span long; a yard long; a mile long, that is, extended to the measure of a mile, etc.
    Far-reaching; extensive.
    Prolonged, or relatively more prolonged, in utterance; - said of vowels and syllables. See Short, a., 13, and Guide to Pronunciation, 22, 30.
    Having a supply of stocks or goods; prepared for, or depending for a profit upon, advance in prices; as, long of cotton. Hence, the phrases: to be, or go, long of the market, to be on the long side of the market, to hold products or securities for a rise in price, esp. when bought on a margin. Contrasted to short.
    A note formerly used in music, one half the length of a large, twice that of a breve.
    A long sound, syllable, or vowel.
    The longest dimension; the greatest extent; - in the phrase, the long and the short of it, that is, the sum and substance of it.
    To a great extent in space; as, a long drawn out line.
    To a great extent in time; during a long time.
    At a point of duration far distant, either prior or posterior; as, not long before; not long after; long before the foundation of Rome; long after the Conquest.
    Through the whole extent or duration.
    Through an extent of time, more or less; - only in question; as, how long will you be gone?
    By means of; by the fault of; because of.
    To feel a strong or morbid desire or craving; to wish for something with eagerness; - followed by an infinitive, or by for or after.
    To belong; - used with to, unto, or for.
    Exceeding most other things of like kind in bulk, capacity, quantity, superficial dimensions, or number of constituent units; big; great; capacious; extensive; - opposed to small; as, a large horse; a large house or room; a large lake or pool; a large jug or spoon; a large vineyard; a large army; a large city.
    Abundant; ample; as, a large supply of provisions.
    Full in statement; diffuse; full; profuse.
    Having more than usual power or capacity; having broad sympathies and generous impulses; comprehensive; - said of the mind and heart.
    Free; unembarrassed.
    Unrestrained by decorum; - said of language.
    Prodigal in expending; lavish.
    Crossing the line of a ship’s course in a favorable direction; - said of the wind when it is abeam, or between the beam and the quarter.
    Freely; licentiously.
    A musical note, formerly in use, equal to two longs, four breves, or eight semibreves.