
    loss 对比 lost
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 loss lost
    ①[U] 丧失,遗失,丢失;
    n. 【电信】
    n. 【化学】
    n. 【地质学】
    v. 【法律专业】
    亏损 ,损耗,损失,损失物;灭失 ,丧失
    1. 丧失;遗失[U]2. 损失;亏损(额)[C][U]3. 输,失败[U][C]4. 减少,减低[S1]
    lose 的过去式和过去分词;
    a.1. 弄丢的,遗失的,2. 迷途的,3. 逝去的;丧失的,4. 错过的;浪费掉的;输掉的,5. 灭亡的;被破坏的;死的,6. 未注意的;漠视的[F][(+to)]7. 无影响力的[F][(+on/upon)]
    灭失 ,失踪,遗失
    (2).维基词典 loss lost
    an instance of losing, such as a defeat
    The result of an alteration in a function or characteristic of the body, or of its previous integrity.
    the hurtful condition of having lost something or someone, particularly in death.
    casualties, especially physically eliminated victims of violent conflict
    the sum an entity loses on balance
    destruction, ruin
    electricity of kinetic power expended without doing useful work
    alternative spelling of lost
    Having wandered from, or unable to find, the way.
    In an unknown location; unable to be found.
    Not perceptible to the senses; no longer visible.
    Parted with; no longer held or possessed.
    Not employed or enjoyed; thrown away; employed ineffectually; wasted; squandered.
    Ruined or destroyed, either physically or morally; past help or hope.
    Hardened beyond sensibility or recovery; alienated; insensible.
    Occupied with, or under the influence of, something, so as not to notice external things.
    (3).韦伯斯特词典 loss lost
    The act of losing; failure; destruction; privation; as, the loss of property; loss of money by gaming; loss of health or reputation.
    The state of losing or having lost; the privation, defect, misfortune, harm, etc., which ensues from losing.
    That which is lost or from which one has parted; waste; - opposed to gain or increase; as, the loss of liquor by leakage was considerable.
    The state of being lost or destroyed; especially, the wreck or foundering of a ship or other vessel.
    Failure to gain or win; as, loss of a race or battle.
    Failure to use advantageously; as, loss of time.
    Killed, wounded, and captured persons, or captured property.
    Destruction or diminution of value, if brought about in a manner provided for in the insurance contract (as destruction by fire or wreck, damage by water or smoke), or the death or injury of an insured person; also, the sum paid or payable therefor; as, the losses of the company this year amount to a million of dollars.
    Parted with unwillingly or unintentionally; not to be found; missing; as, a lost book or sheep.
    Parted with; no longer held or possessed; as, a lost limb; lost honor.
    Not employed or enjoyed; thrown away; employed ineffectually; wasted; squandered; as, a lost day; a lost opportunity or benefit.
    Having wandered from, or unable to find, the way; bewildered; perplexed; as, a child lost in the woods; a stranger lost in London.
    Ruined or destroyed, either physically or morally; past help or hope; as, a ship lost at sea; a woman lost to virtue; a lost soul.
    Hardened beyond sensibility or recovery; alienated; insensible; as, lost to shame; lost to all sense of honor.
    Not perceptible to the senses; no longer visible; as, an island lost in a fog; a person lost in a crowd.
    Occupied with, or under the influence of, something, so as to be insensible of external things; as, to be lost in thought.