
    luxuriant 对比 lavish
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  • Profuse】 , 【lavish】 ,  【prodigal】 ,  【luxuriant】 ,  【lush】 ,  【exuberant】  carry as their basic meaning giving out or given out in great abundance.

    What is  【profuse】 seems to pour or be poured forth in abundance, without restraint, or in a stream.

    What is  【lavish】 is so exceedingly 【profuse】 as to suggest, positively, munificence or extravagance or, negatively, the absence of all stint or moderation.

    What is  【prodigal】 gives or is given so lavishly and so recklessly as to suggest waste or the ultimate exhaustion of resources.

    What is  【luxuriant】 produces or is produced in great and rich abundance; the term usually connotes not only profusion but gorgeousness or splendor in what is produced.

    What is  【lush】 is not only 【luxuriant】 but has reached the peak of its perfection; the term distinctively connotes richness, fullness of development, or luxuriousness.

    What is  【exuberant】 produces or is produced so abundantly or luxuriantly as to suggest exceedingly great vigor, vitality, or creative power; the term applies chiefly to persons or their words, emotions, or qualities that display a vigor or vitality that is almost rampant.

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