
    make 对比 manufacturer
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 make manufacturer
    制造业者, 厂商; [计算机]制造厂家
    (′s) crtificate产品合格证
    厂商 ,生产者,制造者,制造商
    1. 制造业者,厂商,厂主;制造公司[C]
    n. 【化学】
    (2).维基词典 make manufacturer
    To create.
    To build, construct, or produce.
    To write or compose.
    To bring about; to effect or produce by means of some action.
    To behave, to act.
    To tend; to contribute; to have effect; with for or against.
    To constitute.
    To interpret.
    To bring into success.
    To cause to be.
    To cause to appear to be; to represent as.
    To create as, earth, heaven, stars, etc.
    To cause (to do something); to compel (to do something).
    To force to do.
    To indicate or suggest to be.
    To cover neatly with bedclothes.
    To recognise, identify.
    To arrive at a destination, usually at or by a certain time.
    To proceed (in a direction).
    To appoint; to name.
    To induct into the Mafia or a similar organization (as a made man).
    To defecate or urinate.
    To earn, to gain (money, points, membership or status).
    To pay, to cover (an expense); chiefly used after expressions of inability.
    To compose verses; to write poetry; to versify.
    To enact; to establish.
    To develop into; to prove to be.
    To form or formulate in the mind.
    To perform a feat.
    To act in a certain manner; to have to do; to manage; to interfere; to be active; often in the phrase to meddle or make.
    To increase; to augment; to accrue.
    To be engaged or concerned in.
    To cause to be (in a specified place), used after a subjective what.
    To take the virginity of.
    Brand or kind; often paired with model. t
    How a thing is made; construction. s
    Origin of a manufactured article; manufacture. s
    Quantity produced, especially of materials. s
    The act or process of making something, especially in industrial manufacturing. s
    A person’s character or disposition. s
    The declaration of the trump for a hand.
    The closing of an electrical circuit. s
    A software utility for automatically building large applications, or an implementation of this utility.
    Recognition or identification, especially from police records or evidence. s
    Past or future target of seduction (usually female). s
    A promotion.
    A home-made project
    A made basket.
    Mate; a spouse or companion.
    A halfpenny. from 16th c.
    one that manufactures
    (3).牛津词典 make manufacturer
    a person or company that makes goods for sale
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 make manufacturer
    A companion; a mate; often, a husband or a wife.
    Structure, texture, constitution of parts; construction; shape; form.
    To cause to exist; to bring into being; to form; to produce; to frame; to fashion; to create.
    To produce, as something artificial, unnatural, or false; - often with up; as, to make up a story.
    To cause to be or become; to put into a given state verb, or adjective; to constitute; as, to make known; to make public; to make fast.
    To bring about; to bring forward; to be the cause or agent of; to effect, do, perform, or execute; - often used with a noun to form a phrase equivalent to the simple verb that corresponds to such noun; as, to make complaint, for to complain; to make record of, for to record; to make abode, for to abide, etc.
    To cause to appear to be; to constitute subjectively; to esteem, suppose, or represent.
    To execute with the requisite formalities; as, to make a bill, note, will, deed, etc.
    To require; to constrain; to compel; to force; to cause; to occasion; - followed by a noun or pronoun and infinitive.
    To find, as the result of calculation or computation; to ascertain by enumeration; to find the number or amount of, by reckoning, weighing, measurement, and the like; as, he made the distance of; to travel over; as, the ship makes ten knots an hour; he made the distance in one day.
    To become; to be, or to be capable of being, changed or fashioned into; to do the part or office of; to furnish the material for; as, he will make a good musician; sweet cider makes sour vinegar; wool makes warm clothing.
    To compose, as parts, ingredients, or materials; to constitute; to form; to amount to; as, a pound of ham makes a hearty meal.
    To be engaged or concerned in.
    To reach; to attain; to arrive at or in sight of.
    To act in a certain manner; to have to do; to manage; to interfere; to be active; - often in the phrase to meddle or make.
    To proceed; to tend; to move; to go; as, he made toward home; the tiger made at the sportsmen.
    To tend; to contribute; to have effect; - with for or against; as, it makes for his advantage.
    To increase; to augment; to accrue.
    To compose verses; to write poetry; to versify.
    One who manufactures.