
    match 对比 march
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 match march
    [C]1. 火柴,2. 导火线,火绳
    n. 【机械】
    [C]1. 比赛,竞赛,2. 对手,敌手;相配者[S][(+for)]3. 婚姻,vt.1. 使较量,使比赛[(+against/with)]2. 敌得过,比得上[(+for/in)]3. 和...相配,和...相称,4. 使比较;使成对,使相配[(+with)]5. 使结婚,vi.1. 相配,相适合[(+up)]2. 结婚
    n. 【化学】
    扩展解释:n. 【化学】
    n. 【机械】
    1. (大写)三月,2. 行进;行军;行程[U][C]3. 进行曲[C]4. 步伐,步调[U][C]5. 进行,进展[the S][(+of)]6. 游行抗议,游行示威[C]vi.1. (齐步)前进;行军,2. 走过,通过,vt.1. 迫使...前进;把(人)强行带走[O]
    v. 【法律专业】
    示威游行, 游行
    (2).维基词典 match march
    A competitive sporting event such as a boxing meet, a baseball game, or a cricket match.
    Any contest or trial of strength or skill, or to determine superiority.
    Someone with a measure of an attribute equaling or exceeding the object of comparison.
    A marriage.
    A candidate for matrimony; one to be gained in marriage.
    Equivalence; a state of correspondence.
    Equality of conditions in contest or competition.
    A pair of items or entities with mutually suitable characteristics.
    An agreement or compact.
    A perforated board, block of plaster, hardened sand, etc., in which a pattern is partly embedded when a mould is made, for giving shape to the surfaces of separation between the parts of the mould.
    A device made of wood or paper, at the tip coated with chemicals that ignite with the friction of being dragged (struck) against a rough dry surface.
    To agree; to be equal; to correspond.
    To agree with; to be equal to; to correspond to.
    To make a successful match or pairing.
    To equal or exceed in achievement.
    To unite in marriage, to mate.
    To fit together, or make suitable for fitting together; specifically, to furnish with a tongue and groove at the edges.
    A ceremonies.
    A political rally or parade
    Any Wikipedia’s article on this type of music)
    Steady forward movement or progression.
    The feat of taking all the tricks of a hand.
    A border region, especially one originally set up to defend a boundary.
    A region at a frontier governed by a marquess.
    Any of various territories with similar meanings or etymologies in their native languages.
    To walk with long, regular strides, as a soldier does.
    To cause someone to walk somewhere.
    To go to war; to make military advances.
    To make steady progress.
    To have common borders or frontiers
    (3).韦伯斯特词典 match march
    Anything used for catching and retaining or communicating fire, made of some substance which takes fire readily, or remains burning some time; esp., a small strip or splint of wood or cardboard dipped at one end in a substance which can be easily ignited by friction, as a preparation of phosphorus or chlorate of potassium.
    A person or thing equal or similar to another; one able to mate or cope with another; an equal; a mate.
    A bringing together of two parties suited to one another, as for a union, a trial of skill or force, a contest, or the like
    A matrimonial union; a marriage.
    An agreement, compact, etc.
    A candidate for matrimony; one to be gained in marriage.
    Equality of conditions in contest or competition, or one who provides equal competition to another in a contest; as, he had no match as a swordsman within the city.
    Suitable combination or bringing together; that which corresponds or harmonizes with something else; as, the carpet and curtains are a match.
    A perforated board, block of plaster, hardened sand, etc., in which a pattern is partly imbedded when a mold is made, for giving shape to the surfaces of separation between the parts of the mold.
    To be a mate or match for; to be able to complete with; to rival successfully; to equal.
    To furnish with its match; to bring a match, or equal, against; to show an equal competitor to; to set something in competition with, or in opposition to, as equal.
    To oppose as equal; to contend successfully against.
    To make or procure the equal of, or that which is exactly similar to, or corresponds with; as, to match a vase or a horse; to match cloth.
    To make equal, proportionate, or suitable; to adapt, fit, or suit (one thing to another).
    To marry; to give in marriage.
    To fit together, or make suitable for fitting together; specifically, to furnish with a tongue and a groove, at the edges; as, to match boards.
    To be united in marriage; to mate.
    To be of equal, or similar, size, figure, color, or quality; to tally; to suit; to correspond; as, these vases match.
    The third month of the year, containing thirty-one days.
    A territorial border or frontier; a region adjacent to a boundary line; a confine; - used chiefly in the plural, and in English history applied especially to the border land on the frontiers between England and Scotland, and England and Wales.
    The act of marching; a movement of soldiers from one stopping place to another; military progress; advance of troops.
    Hence: Measured and regular advance or movement, like that of soldiers moving in order; stately or deliberate walk; steady onward movement; as, the march of time.
    The distance passed over in marching; as, an hour’s march; a march of twenty miles.
    A piece of music designed or fitted to accompany and guide the movement of troops; a piece of music in the march form.
    To border; to be contiguous; to lie side by side.
    To move with regular steps, as a soldier; to walk in a grave, deliberate, or stately manner; to advance steadily.
    To proceed by walking in a body or in military order; as, the German army marched into France.
    To cause to move with regular steps in the manner of a soldier; to cause to move in military array, or in a body, as troops; to cause to advance in a steady, regular, or stately manner; to cause to go by peremptory command, or by force.