Of or pertaining to the chin; genian; as, the mental nerve; the mental region.
Of or pertaining to the mind; intellectual; as, mental faculties; mental operations, conditions, or exercise.
A plate or scale covering the mentum or chin of a fish or reptile.
Belonging to, or performed by, the intellect; mental; as, intellectual powers, activities, etc.
Endowed with intellect; having the power of understanding; having capacity for the higher forms of knowledge or thought; characterized by intelligence or mental capacity; as, an intellectual person.
Suitable for exercising the intellect; formed by, and existing for, the intellect alone; perceived by the intellect; as, intellectual employments.
Relating to the understanding; treating of the mind; as, intellectual philosophy, sometimes called "mental" philosophy.
The intellect or understanding; mental powers or faculties.
A learned person or one of high intelligence;