
    moderate 对比 fair
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 moderate fair
    vt. & vi.
    扩展解释:adj. 【化学】
    1. 使和缓,减轻,减少,节制,2. 主持(会议讨论,节目等),vi.1. 变温和;变弱;静息,2. 主持会议(或电视节目等)
    中等的,适度的; 有节制的,不过分的,; 稳健的;不偏激的,; 普通的,一般的;平庸的,; 温和主义者,稳健派
    n. 【机械】
    扩展解释:n. 【机械】
    【修】公平,合理;博览会;= Failure Analysis Information Retrieval,故障分析信息检索; = Fair And Impartial Random selection, 公正合理的随机选择; = Fast Access Information Retrieval, 快速存取情报检索
    adj. 【化学】
    1. (定期)集市,庙会,2. 商品展览会;博览会,3. 义卖会,4. 【英】公共露天游乐场
    a.1. 公正的;公平的;诚实的,2. 尚可的,一般的;相当的[Z]3. (皮肤)白皙的;(头发)金色的;(人)白肤金发的,4. (天气)晴朗的,5. (风向)顺的;顺利的,6. 【旧】(妇女)美丽的,7. (言论、诺言等)说得好听的,花言巧语的[B]8. 【口】十足的,真正的[Z][B]9. (财产等)丰富的
    n. 【法律专业】
    公平 ,公正,合理,展览会
    ad.1. 公平地,公正地2. 正面地,直接地,3. 清楚地,n.1. 【旧】女人;美女;情人,2. 美好的事物
    (2).维基词典 moderate fair
    Not excessive; acting in moderation
    Average priced; standard-deal
    Not violent or rigorous; temperate; mild; gentle.
    Having an intermediate position between liberal and conservative.
    One who holds an intermediate position between extremes, as in politics.
    To reduce the excessiveness of (something)
    To become less excessive
    To preside over (something) as a moderator
    To act as a moderator; to assist in bringing to compromise
    Beautiful, of a pleasing appearance, with a pure and fresh quality.
    Unblemished (figuratively or literally); clean and pure; innocent.
    Light in color, pale, particularly as regards skin tone but also referring to blond hair.
    Just, equitable.
    Adequate, reasonable, or decent.
    Favorable to a ship’s course.
    Not overcast; cloudless; clear; pleasant; propitious; said of the sky, weather, or wind, etc.
    Free from obstacles or hindrances; unobstructed; unencumbered; open; direct; said of a road, passage, etc.
    Without sudden change of direction or curvature; smooth; flowing; said of the figure of a vessel, and of surfaces, water lines, and other lines.
    Between the baselines.
    Something which is fair (in various senses of the adjective).
    A woman, a member of the ‘fair sex’; also as a collective singular, women.
    Fairness, beauty.
    A fair woman; a sweetheart.
    Good fortune; good luck.
    A community gathering to celebrate and exhibit local achievements.
    An event for public entertainment and trade, a market.
    An event for professionals in a trade to learn of new products and do business, a trade fair.
    A travelling amusement park (called a funfair in British English and a (travelling) carnival in US English).
    To smoothen or even a surface (especially a connection or junction on a surface).
    To bring into perfect alignment (especially about rivet holes when connecting structural members).
    To construct or design a structure whose primary function is to produce a smooth outline or reduce air drag or water resistance.
    To make fair or beautiful.
    clearly, openly, frankly, civilly, honestly, favorably, auspiciously, agreeably
    (3).牛津词典 moderate fair
    treating people equally without favouritism or discrimination
    just or appropriate in the circumstances
    (of a means or procedure) not violent
    (of hair or complexion) light; blonde
    (of a person) having a light complexion or hair
    considerable though not outstanding in size or amount
    moderately good
    complete; utter
    (of weather) fine and dry
    (of the wind) favourable
    (of words) specious despite being initially attractive
    without cheating or trying to achieve unjust advantage
    to a high degree
    a beautiful woman
    a gathering of stalls and amusements for public entertainment
    a periodic gathering for the sale of goods.
    an exhibition to promote particular products
    an annual competitive exhibition of livestock, agricultural products, etc., held by a town, county, or state.
    (of the weather) become fine
    streamline (a vehicle, boat, or aircraft) by adding fairings
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 moderate fair
    Kept within due bounds; observing reasonable limits; not excessive, extreme, violent, or rigorous; limited; restrained
    Not violent or rigorous; temperate; mild; gentle; as, a moderate winter.
    One of a party in the Church of Scotland in the 18th century, and part of the 19th, professing moderation in matters of church government, in discipline, and in doctrine.
    To restrain from excess of any kind; to reduce from a state of violence, intensity, or excess; to keep within bounds; to make temperate; to lessen; to allay; to repress; to temper; to qualify; as, to moderate rage, action, desires, etc.; to moderate heat or wind.
    To preside over, direct, or regulate, as a public meeting or a discussion; as, to moderate a synod; to moderate a debate.
    To become less violent, severe, rigorous, or intense; as, the wind has moderated.
    To preside as a moderator.
    Free from spots, specks, dirt, or imperfection; unblemished; clean; pure.
    Pleasing to the eye; handsome; beautiful.
    Without a dark hue; light; clear; as, a fair skin.
    Not overcast; cloudless; clear; pleasant; propitious; favorable; - said of the sky, weather, or wind, etc.; as, a fair sky; a fair day.
    Free from obstacles or hindrances; unobstructed; unincumbered; open; direct; - said of a road, passage, etc.; as, a fair mark; in fair sight; a fair view.
    Without sudden change of direction or curvature; smooth; flowing; - said of the figure of a vessel, and of surfaces, water lines, and other lines.
    Characterized by frankness, honesty, impartiality, or candor; open; upright; free from suspicion or bias; equitable; just; - said of persons, character, or conduct; as, a fair man; fair dealing; a fair statement.
    Pleasing; favorable; inspiring hope and confidence; - said of words, promises, etc.
    Distinct; legible; as, fair handwriting.
    Free from any marked characteristic; average; middling; as, a fair specimen.
    Clearly; openly; frankly; civilly; honestly; favorably; auspiciously; agreeably.
    Fairness, beauty.
    A fair woman; a sweetheart.
    Good fortune; good luck.
    A gathering of buyers and sellers, assembled at a particular place with their merchandise at a stated or regular season, or by special appointment, for trade.
    A festival, and sale of fancy articles. erc., usually for some charitable object; as, a Grand Army fair; a church fair.
    A competitive exhibition of wares, farm products, etc., not primarily for purposes of sale; as, the Mechanics’ fair; an agricultural fair.
    an exhibition by a number of organizations, including governmental organizations, for the purpose of acquainting people with such organizations or their members, not primarily for commercial purposes; as, the 1939 World’s Fair.
    To make fair or beautiful.
    To make smooth and flowing, as a vessel’s lines.