
    no 对比 know
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 no know
    没有, 不是, 绝非;
    ①没有 (= not any);
    adj. 【化学】
    4. 【口】不可能,ad.1. (用以表示否定的回答)不,不是,没有,2. (用在比较级之前)一点也不,3. (用于形容词前)并非,并无,4. (用于表示惊奇等)不对,不会,不许,n.1. 不;没有;否定;拒绝,2. 反对票;投反对票者
    a.1. 没有,2. 【口】很少,很小,3. 不许;不要;没有
    (2).维基词典 no know
    Not any.
    Hardly any.
    Not any possibility or allowance of (doing something).
    Not (a); not properly, not really; not fully.
    , with comparatives more and less, and informally with certain other adjectives such as good, fun, and fair, except in|_|Scotland}} Not, not at all.
    a negating expression; an answer that shows disagreement or disapproval
    a vote not in favor, or opposing a proposition
    To perceive the truth or factuality of; to be certain of or that.
    To be aware of; to be cognizant of.
    To be acquainted or familiar with; to have encountered.
    To experience.
    To be able to distinguish, to discern, particularly by contrast or comparison; to recognize the nature of.
    To recognize as the same (as someone or something previously encountered) after an absence or change.
    To understand or have a grasp of through experience or study.
    To have sexual relations with.
    To have knowledge; to have information, be informed.
    To be or become aware or cognizant.
    To be acquainted (with another person).
    To be able to play or perform (a song or other piece of music).
    Knowledge; the state of knowing.
    (3).牛津词典 no know
    not any
    used to indicate that something is quite the opposite of what is being specified
    hardly any
    used in notices or slogans forbidding or rejecting something specified
    used to give a negative response
    expressing disagreement or contradiction
    expressing agreement with or affirmation of a negative statement
    expressing shock or disappointment
    not at all; to no extent
    variant spelling of Noh
    be aware of through observation, inquiry, or information
    have knowledge or information concerning
    be absolutely certain or sure about something
    have developed a relationship with (someone) through meeting and spending time with them; be familiar or friendly with
    have a good command of (a subject or language).
    recognize (someone or something)
    be familiar or acquainted with (something)
    have personal experience of (an emotion or situation)
    regard or perceive as having a specified characteristic
    give (someone or something) a particular name or title
    be able to distinguish one person or thing from (another)
    have sexual intercourse with (someone).
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 no know
    Not any; not one; none; as, yes, we have no bananas; - often used as a quantifier.
    Nay; not; not at all; not in any respect or degree; - a word expressing negation, denial, or refusal. Before or after another negative, no is emphatic.
    A refusal by use of the word no; a denial.
    A negative vote; one who votes in the negative; as, to call for the ayes and noes; the noes have it.
    To perceive or apprehend clearly and certainly; to understand; to have full information of; as, to know one’s duty.
    To be convinced of the truth of; to be fully assured of; as, to know things from information.
    To be acquainted with; to be no stranger to; to be more or less familiar with the person, character, etc., of; to possess experience of; as, to know an author; to know the rules of an organization.
    To recognize; to distinguish; to discern the character of; as, to know a person’s face or figure.
    To have sexual intercourse with.
    To have knowledge; to have a clear and certain perception; to possess wisdom, instruction, or information; - often with of.
    To be assured; to feel confident.