
    oak 对比 mott
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    (1).中国译典 oak mott
    ①[C] 栎树;
    Large tree with deeply indented leaves, bearing acorns as fruit; it is prized for its hard and extre...
    1. 橡树[C]2. 橡木[U]3. 橡木家具[U]4. 橡木色,棕色
    n. 【化学】
    1. (美国西部大草原中的)丛林
    (2).维基词典 oak mott
    A deciduous tree with distinctive deeply lobed leaves, acorns, and notably strong wood, typically of England and northeastern North America, included in genus Quercus.
    The wood of the oak.
    A rich brown colour, like that of oak wood.
    Any tree of the genus Quercus, in family Fagaceae.
    Any tree of other genera and species of trees resembling typical oaks of genus Quercus in some ways.
    The she-oaks in ver=161219 and Casuarina, of family Casuarinaceae
    , white oak, in family Malvaceae
    Various species called silky oak, in family Proteaceae
    Toxicodendron, poison oak, in family Anacardiaceae
    The outer (lockable) door of a set of rooms in a college or similar institution. (Often in the phrase "to sport one’s oak").
    The flavor of oak.
    having a rich brown colour, like that of oak wood.
    made of oak wood or timber
    To expose to oak in order for the oak to impart its flavors.
    A copse or small grove of trees, especially live oak or elm. from 19th c.
    (3).韦伯斯特词典 oak mott
    Any tree or shrub of the genus Quercus. The oaks have alternate leaves, often variously lobed, and staminate flowers in catkins. The fruit is a smooth nut, called an acorn, which is more or less inclosed in a scaly involucre called the cup or cupule. There are now recognized about three hundred species, of which nearly fifty occur in the United States, the rest in Europe, Asia, and the other parts of North America, a very few barely reaching the northern parts of South America and Africa. Many of the oaks form forest trees of grand proportions and live many centuries. The wood is usually hard and tough, and provided with conspicuous medullary rays, forming the silver grain.
    The strong wood or timber of the oak.