
    own 对比 have
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
  • Have】 , 【hold】 ,  【own】 ,  【possess】 ,  【enjoy】  are comparable when they mean to keep, control, retain, or experience as one’s 【own】 .

    Have】 is the most general term and in itself carries no implication of a cause or reason for regarding the thing had as one’s 【own】 .

    Hold】  implies stronger control over than  【have】  and usually suggests a grasp upon, an occupancy of, or a bond between; thus, "to  【have】  friends" implies a mere amicable relationship, but "to  【hold】  one’s friends" implies either the reducing of them to subjection or the retaining of their affection; "to  【have】  an opinion" implies merely the existence of that opinion, whereas "to  【hold】 an opinion" usually suggests its assertion.

    Own】 implies a natural or legal right to 【hold】 as one’s property and under one’s full control.

    Possess】  is preferred in law to  【own】  as implying one’s having full title and right to a particular property to the exclusion of everyone else; thus, a husband and wife might say that they  【own】  a piece of land when legally only the husband possesses it. In general use  【possess】  differs from  【own】 in being referable to other things than property (as a characteristic, a quality, a power, or a faculty).

    Enjoy】  (see also LIKE ) implies the having of something as one’s 【own】 or for one’s use with all its benefits and advantages; in this sense there is no necessary connotation of pleasure or delight in having or using, but, except in law, the word often does carry a hint if not a definite suggestion of it.

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