In the United Kingdom and Ireland, a copper coin worth 240 of a pound sterling or Irish pound before decimalisation. Abbreviation: d.
In the United Kingdom, a copper coin worth 100 of a pound sterling. Abbreviation: p.
In Ireland, a coin worth 100 of an Irish pound before the introduction of the euro. Abbreviation: p.
In the US and Canada, a one-cent coin, worth 100 of a dollar. Abbreviation: ¢.
In various countries, a small-denomination copper or brass coin.
A unit of nail size, said to be either the cost per 100 nails, or the number of nails per penny. Abbreviation: d.
Money in general.
To jam a door shut by inserting pennies between the doorframe and the door.
To circumvent the tripping of an electrical circuit breaker by the dangerous practice of inserting a coin in place of a fuse in a fuse socket.
A coin worth one-tenth of a U.S. dollar.
A coin worth one-tenth of a Canadian dollar.
A small amount of money
An assist
A playing card with the rank of ten
Ten dollars
A thousand dollars
A measurement of illicit drugs (usually marijuana) sold in ten dollar bags.
Payment responsibility
A beautiful woman (10 on a 10-point scale)
A defensive formation with six defensive backs, one of whom is a dimeback.
To inform on, to turn in to the authorities, to rat on, especially anonymously.
To operate an audio amplifier (especially an electric guitar amplifier) at level "10" (typically the highest amplification level).