
    petite 对比 little
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 petite little
    [前面不带 a,only, 用于否定] 没有多少;
    (2).维基词典 petite little
    Of a woman: fairly short and of slim build.
    Of women’s clothing: of small size.
    Small, little; insignificant; petty.
    Small in size.
    Insignificant, trivial.
    Very young.
    Used with the name of place, especially of a country, to denote a neighborhood whose residents or storekeepers are from that place.
    Small in amount or number, having few members.
    Short in duration; brief.
    Small in extent of views or sympathies; narrow; shallow; contracted; mean; illiberal; ungenerous.
    Not much.
    Not at all.
    Not much, only a little: only a small amount (of).
    Not much; not a large amount.
    The participant in ageplay who acts out the younger role.
    (3).牛津词典 petite little
    (of a woman) attractively small and dainty
    small in size, amount, or degree (often used to convey an appealing diminutiveness or express an affectionate or condescending attitude)
    (of a person) young or younger
    denoting something, especially a place, that is the smaller or smallest of those so named or is named after a similar larger one
    used in names of animals and plants that are smaller than related kinds, e.g. little grebe.
    of short distance or duration
    relatively unimportant or trivial (often used ironically)
    a small amount of
    a short time or distance
    used to emphasize how small an amount is
    a small amount of
    used to emphasize how small an amount is
    a short time or distance
    to a small extent
    only to a small extent; not much or often (used for emphasis)
    hardly or not at all
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 petite little
    Small, little; of a woman or girl, of small size and trim figure.
    Small in size or extent; not big; diminutive; - opposed to big or large; as, a little body; a little animal; a little piece of ground; a little hill; a little distance; a little child.
    Short in duration; brief; as, a little sleep.
    Small in quantity or amount; not much; as, a little food; a little air or water.
    Small in dignity, power, or importance; not great; insignificant; contemptible.
    Small in force or efficiency; not strong; weak; slight; inconsiderable; as, little attention or exertion;little effort; little care or diligence.
    Small in extent of views or sympathies; narrow; shallow; contracted; mean; illiberal; ungenerous.
    That which is little; a small quantity, amount, space, or the like.
    A small degree or scale; miniature.
    In a small quantity or degree; not much; slightly; somewhat; - often with a preceding it.