
    pickle 对比 gherkin
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    (1).中国译典 pickle gherkin
    扩展解释:n. 【计算机】
    n. 【化学】
    1. (腌鱼,蔬菜等的)盐卤,泡菜水[U]2. 腌渍食品;腌菜,泡菜[P]3. (清洁金属表面用的)淡酸水;(处理皮革用的)浸酸[U]4. 【口】困境[the S]5. 【英】【口】淘气鬼[C]vt.1. (用盐卤或醋)腌制,将...做成泡菜,2. 用酸性溶液清洗
    腌食用小黄瓜, 黄瓜之一种
    Picked when not yet ripe, it is often pickled in vinegar and eaten as a condiment; it is also served...
    扩展解释:n. 【化学】
    n. 【农业】
    (2).维基词典 pickle gherkin
    A cucumber preserved in a solution, usually a brine or a vinegar syrup.
    Any vegetable preserved in vinegar and consumed as relish.
    The brine used for preserving food.
    A difficult situation; peril.
    A mildly mischievous loved one.
    A rundown.
    A children’s game with three participants that emulates a baseball rundown
    A penis.
    A pipe for smoking methamphetamine.
    A bath of dilute sulphuric or nitric acid, etc., to remove burnt sand, scale, rust, etc., from the surface of castings, or other articles of metal, or to brighten them or improve their colour.
    In an optical landing system, the hand-held controller connected to the lens, or apparatus on which the lights are mounted.
    A kernel; a grain (of salt, sugar, etc.)
    A small or indefinite quantity or amount (of something); a little, a bit, a few. Usually in partitive construction, frequently without "of"; a single grain or kernel of wheat, barley, oats, sand or dust.
    To preserve food in a salt, sugar or vinegar solution.
    To remove high-temperature scale and oxidation from metal with heated (often sulphuric) industrial acid.
    To serialize.
    To eat sparingly.
    To pilfer.
    A small cucumber, often pickled whole.
    The penis.
    (3).牛津词典 pickle gherkin
    a relish consisting of vegetables or fruit preserved in vinegar or brine
    a pickled cucumber.
    liquid used to preserve food or other perishable items.
    a difficult situation
    used as an affectionate form of address to a mischievous child
    an acid solution for cleaning metal objects.
    preserve (food or other perishable items) in vinegar or brine
    immerse (a metal object) in an acid or other chemical solution for cleaning
    the small green fruit of a plant related to the cucumber, used for pickling.
    the trailing plant that bears gherkins.
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 pickle gherkin
    See Picle.
    A solution of salt and water, in which fish, meat, etc., may be preserved or corned; brine.
    Any article of food which has been preserved in brine or in vinegar.
    A bath of dilute sulphuric or nitric acid, etc., to remove burnt sand, scale rust, etc., from the surface of castings, or other articles of metal, or to brighten them or improve their color.
    A troublesome child; as, a little pickle.
    To preserve or season in pickle; to treat with some kind of pickle; as, to pickle herrings or cucumbers.
    To give an antique appearance to; - said of copies or imitations of paintings by the old masters.
    A kind of small, prickly cucumber, much used for pickles.
    See Sea gherkin.