
    pleasure 对比 fun
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 pleasure fun
    1. 愉快,高兴;满足[U]2. 乐事;乐趣[C]3. 娱乐;消遣;放荡(行为)[U]4. 【书】意愿,愿望,vt.1. 使高兴;使满意,vi.1. 高兴,喜欢,2. 寻欢作乐
    【医学】 【中医】
    n. 【计算机】
    扩展解释:n. 【化学】
    [U]1. 娱乐,乐趣2. 玩笑,嬉戏,3. 有趣的人(或事物),a.1. 【美】有趣的,愉快的[B]vi.1. 【口】开玩笑;说笑
    (2).维基词典 pleasure fun
    A state of being pleased.
    A person, thing or action that causes enjoyment.
    One’s preference.
    The will or desire of someone or some agency in power.
    pleased to meet you
    To give or afford pleasure to; to please; to gratify.
    To give sexual pleasure to.
    To take pleasure; to seek or pursue pleasure.
    amusement, enjoyment or pleasure
    playful, often noisy, activity.
    enjoyable, amusing
    whimsical, flamboyant
    To tease, kid, poke fun at, make fun of.
    (3).牛津词典 pleasure fun
    a feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment
    enjoyment and entertainment, as opposed to necessity
    an event or activity from which one derives enjoyment
    sensual gratification
    used or intended for entertainment rather than business
    give sexual enjoyment or satisfaction to
    derive enjoyment from
    enjoyment, amusement, or light-hearted pleasure
    a source of fun
    playfulness or good humour
    behaviour or an activity that is intended purely for amusement and should not be interpreted as having any serious or malicious purpose
    amusing, entertaining, or enjoyable
    (of a place or event) providing entertainment or leisure activities for children
    joke or tease
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 pleasure fun
    The gratification of the senses or of the mind; agreeable sensations or emotions; the excitement, relish, or happiness produced by the expectation or the enjoyment of something good, delightful, or satisfying; - opposed to pain, sorrow, etc.
    Amusement; sport; diversion; self-indulgence; frivolous or dissipating enjoyment; hence, sensual gratification; - opposed to labor, service, duty, self-denial, etc.
    What the will dictates or prefers as gratifying or satisfying; hence, will; choice; wish; purpose.
    That which pleases; a favor; a gratification.
    To give or afford pleasure to; to please; to gratify.
    To take pleasure; to seek pursue pleasure; as, to go pleasuring.
    Sport; merriment; frolicsome amusement.