
    plot 对比 explore
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    (1).中国译典 plot explore
    vt. & vi.
    扩展解释:n. 【化学】
    n. 【法律专业】
    策划 ,地段,地区,图谋
    绘图[制];曲线,图表;= PLug On Terminator,插接式终接器; = Program LOgic Table, 程序逻辑表
    [C]1. 阴谋;秘密计划[(+against)][+to-v]2. (小说,戏剧等的)情节,3. 小块土地,4. 【主美】(建筑物等的)平面图;标绘图,vt.1. 密谋,策划[+to-v]2. 标绘,绘制...的图,3. 测定(点,线)的位置,4. 为(文学作品)设计情节,5. 把...划成小块地;划分[(+out)]
    Z 值图
    扩展解释:n. 【化学】
    探测;探勘;在...探险,; 探究,探索,; 探索;考察;探勘
    (2).维基词典 plot explore
    The course of a story, comprising a series of incidents which are gradually unfolded, sometimes by unexpected means. from 1640s
    An area or land used for building on or planting on. from 1550s
    A graph or diagram drawn by hand or produced by a mechanical or electronic device.
    A secret plan to achieve an end, the end or means usually being illegal or otherwise questionable. from 1580s
    Contrivance; deep reach thought; ability to plot or intrigue.
    Participation in any stratagem or conspiracy.
    A plan; a purpose.
    To conceive (a crime, etc).
    To trace out (a graph or diagram).
    To mark (a point on a graph, chart, etc).
    To conceive a crime, misdeed, etc.
    To seek for something or after someone.
    To examine or investigate something systematically.
    To travel somewhere in search of discovery.
    To examine diagnostically.
    To (seek) experience first hand.
    To be engaged exploring in any of the above senses.
    To wander without any particular aim or purpose.
    To seek sexual variety, to sow one’s wild oats.
    An exploration; a tour of a place to see what it is like.
    (3).牛津词典 plot explore
    a plan made in secret by a group of people to do something illegal or harmful
    the main events of a play, novel, film, or similar work, devised and presented by the writer as an interrelated sequence
    a small piece of ground marked out for a purpose such as building or gardening
    a graph showing the relation between two variables.
    a diagram, chart, or map.
    secretly make plans to carry out (an illegal or harmful action)
    devise the sequence of events in (a play, novel, film, or similar work)
    mark (a route or position) on a chart
    mark out or allocate (points) on a graph
    make (a curve) by marking out a number of points on a graph
    illustrate by use of a graph
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 plot explore
    A small extent of ground; a plat; as, a garden plot.
    A plantation laid out.
    A plan or draught of a field, farm, estate, etc., drawn to a scale.
    Any scheme, stratagem, secret design, or plan, of a complicated nature, adapted to the accomplishment of some purpose, usually a treacherous and mischievous one; a conspiracy; an intrigue; as, the Rye-house Plot.
    A share in such a plot or scheme; a participation in any stratagem or conspiracy.
    Contrivance; deep reach of thought; ability to plot or intrigue.
    A plan; a purpose.
    In fiction, the story of a play, novel, romance, or poem, comprising a complication of incidents which are gradually unfolded, sometimes by unexpected means.
    To make a plot, map, pr plan, of; to mark the position of on a plan; to delineate.
    To plan; to scheme; to devise; to contrive secretly.
    To form a scheme of mischief against another, especially against a government or those who administer it; to conspire.
    To contrive a plan or stratagem; to scheme.
    To seek for or after; to strive to attain by search; to look wisely and carefully for.
    To search through or into; to penetrate or range over for discovery; to examine thoroughly; as, to explore new countries or seas; to explore the depths of science.