The course of a story, comprising a series of incidents which are gradually unfolded, sometimes by unexpected means. from 1640s
An area or land used for building on or planting on. from 1550s
A graph or diagram drawn by hand or produced by a mechanical or electronic device.
A secret plan to achieve an end, the end or means usually being illegal or otherwise questionable. from 1580s
Contrivance; deep reach thought; ability to plot or intrigue.
Participation in any stratagem or conspiracy.
A plan; a purpose.
To conceive (a crime, etc).
To trace out (a graph or diagram).
To mark (a point on a graph, chart, etc).
To conceive a crime, misdeed, etc.
Having no variations in height.
Without variations in pitch.
Describing certain features, usually the breasts and/or buttocks, that are extremely small or not visible at all.
Lowered by one semitone.
Of a note or voice, lower in pitch than it should be.
Deflated, especially because of a puncture.
Of a carbonated drink, with all or most of its carbon dioxide having come out of solution so that the drink no longer fizzes or contains any bubbles.
Lacking acidity without being sweet.
Unable to emit power; dead.
Without spin; spinless.
Lacking liveliness or action; depressed; dull and boring.
Absolute; downright; peremptory.
sonant; vocal, as distinguished from a sharp (non-sonant) consonant
Not having an inflectional ending or sign, such as a noun used as an adjective, or an adjective as an adverb, without the addition of a formative suffix; or an infinitive without the sign "to".
Having a head at a very obtuse angle to the shaft.
Flattening at the ends.
Lacking in depth, substance, or believability; underdeveloped; one-dimensional.
So as to be flat.
Not exceeding.
Directly; flatly.
Without allowance for accrued interest.
An area of level ground.
A note played a semitone lower than a natural, denoted by the symbol ♭ sign placed after the letter representing the note (e.g., B♭) or in front of the note symbol (e.g. ♭♪).
A flat tyre/tire.
A type of ladies’ shoes with very low heels.
A type of flat-soled running shoe without spikes.
A thin, broad brush used in oil and watercolor/watercolour painting.
The flat part of something:
The flat side of a blade, as opposed to the sharp edge.
A wide, shallow container.
A large mail piece measuring at least 8 1/2 by 11 inches, such as catalogs, magazines, and unfolded paper enclosed in large envelopes.
A subset of n-dimensional space that is congruent to a Euclidean space of lower dimension.
A flat-bottomed boat, without keel, and of small draught.
A straw hat, broad-brimmed and low-crowned.
A railroad car without a roof, and whose body is a platform without sides; a platform car or flatcar.
A platform on a wheel, upon which emblematic designs etc. are carried in processions.
A horizontal vein or ore deposit auxiliary to a main vein; also, any horizontal portion of a vein not elsewhere horizontal.
A dull fellow; a simpleton.
A rectangular wooden structure covered with masonite, lauan, or muslin that depicts a building or other part of a scene, also called backcloth and backdrop.
An apartment, usually on one level and usually consisting of more than one room.
To make a raising.
To become flat or flattened; to sink or fall to an even surface.
To fall from the pitch.
To depress in tone, as a musical note; especially, to lower in pitch by half a tone.
To make flat; to flatten; to level.
To render dull, insipid, or spiritless; to depress.