
    precise 对比 exact
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 precise exact
    扩展解释:adj. 【化学】
    a.1. 精确的;准确的;确切的,2. 明确的;清晰的,3. 严格的;细致的,4. 刻板的,拘泥的,5. 恰好的,正是的[B]
    扩展解释:adj. 【法律专业】
    adj. 【化学】
    【修】确切,精确;= EXecutAble Code program Tape,可执行代码程序带
    确切的,精确的; 精确无误的,精密的,; 严格的,; 强要;勒索,; 急需,需要
    (2).维基词典 precise exact
    Exact, accurate.
    Of experimental results, consistent, clustered close together, agreeing with each other. This does not mean that they cluster near the true, correct, or accurate value.
    Adhering too much to rules; prim or punctilious.
    To make or render precise.
    Precisely agreeing with a standard, a fact, or the truth; perfectly conforming; neither exceeding nor falling short in any respect.
    Habitually careful to agree with a standard, a rule, or a promise; accurate; methodical; punctual.
    Precisely or definitely conceived or stated; strict.
    Such that the kernel of one homomorphism is the image of the preceding one.
    To demand and enforce the payment or performance of, sometimes in a forcible or imperative way.
    To make desirable or necessary.
    To forcibly obtain or produce.
    (3).牛津词典 precise exact
    marked by exactness and accuracy of expression or detail
    (of a person) exact, accurate, and careful about details
    used to emphasize that one is referring to an exact and particular thing
    not approximated in any way; precise
    accurate or correct in all details
    (of a person) accurate and careful about minor details
    (of a subject of study) permitting precise measurements as a basis for rigorously testable theories
    demand and obtain (something) from someone
    inflict (revenge) on someone
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 precise exact
    Having determinate limitations; exactly or sharply defined or stated; definite; exact; nice; not vague or equivocal; as, precise rules of morality.
    Strictly adhering or conforming to rule; very nice or exact; punctilious in conduct or ceremony; formal; ceremonious.
    Precisely agreeing with a standard, a fact, or the truth; perfectly conforming; neither exceeding nor falling short in any respect; true; correct; precise; as, the clock keeps exact time; he paid the exact debt; an exact copy of a letter; exact accounts.
    Habitually careful to agree with a standard, a rule, or a promise; accurate; methodical; punctual; as, a man exact in observing an appointment; in my doings I was exact.
    Precisely or definitely conceived or stated; strict.
    To demand or require authoritatively or peremptorily, as a right; to enforce the payment of, or a yielding of; to compel to yield or to furnish; hence, to wrest, as a fee or reward when none is due; - followed by from or of before the one subjected to exaction; as, to exact tribute, fees, obedience, etc., from or of some one.
    To practice exaction.