
    printing 对比 handwriting
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    (1).中国译典 printing handwriting
    扩展解释:n. 【机械】
    n. 【化学】
    n. 【航空工程】
    1. 印刷;印刷术;印刷业[U],2. 【摄】印相[U],3. 【纺】印花工艺[U],4. 印刷次数;版次;(一次的)印刷份数[C],5. 印出的字(或图片);印刷品[U],6. 印刷字体[U]
    [U]1. 书写;手写,2. 笔迹;笔法,3. 【古】手抄文件,手稿
    n. 【法律专业】
    笔迹 ,字迹
    (2).维基词典 printing handwriting
    The process or business of producing printed material by means of inked type and a printing press or similar technology.
    Material that has been printed.
    All the copies of a publication that have been printed in one batch.
    Written characters that are not joined up.
    present participle of print
    To inadequately carry a concealed weapon such that its silhouette is visible on the person wearing it.
    The act or process of writing done with the hand, rather than typed or word-processed.
    The characteristic writing of a particular person.
    Text that was written by hand.
    present participle of handwrite
    (3).牛津词典 printing handwriting
    the production of books, newspapers, or other printed material
    a single impression of a book
    handwriting in which the letters are written separately rather than being joined together
    writing with a pen or pencil
    a person’s particular style of writing
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 printing handwriting
    The act, art, or practice of impressing letters, characters, or figures on paper, cloth, or other material; the business of a printer, including typesetting and presswork, with their adjuncts; typography; also, the act of producing photographic prints.
    The cast or form of writing peculiar to each hand or person; chirography.
    That which is written by hand; manuscript.