
    proclamation 对比 declaration
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 proclamation declaration
    1. 宣布,公布[U],2. 公告,布告;宣言书;声明书[C]
    n. 【法律专业】
    榜文 ,布告,公布,声明书,文告,宣言书
    n. 【能源工程】
    扩展解释:n. 【法律专业】
    宣布 ,宣称,陈述 ,供述,申报单,声明书,宣言
    n. 【化学】
    [C][U]1. 宣布,宣告;宣言,声明2. 【律】(原告的)申诉;(证人的)陈诉,证言,3. (纳税品等的)申报
    (2).维基词典 proclamation declaration
    A statement which is proclaimed; formal public announcement.
    A written or oral indication of a fact, opinion, or belief.
    A list of items for various legal purposes, e.g. customs declaration.
    The act or process of declaring.
    The act, by the captain of a batting side, of declaring an innings closed.
    In common law, the formal document specifying plaintiff’s cause of action, including the facts necessary to sustain a proper cause of action, and to advise the defendant of the grounds upon which he is being sued.
    The specification of a variable’s type.
    (3).牛津词典 proclamation declaration
    a public or official announcement dealing with a matter of great importance
    the public or official announcement of an important matter
    a clear declaration of something
    a formal or explicit statement or announcement
    the formal announcement of the beginning of a state or condition
    a written public announcement of intentions or of the terms of an agreement
    a public official announcement of the votes cast for candidates in an election.
    a plaintiff’s statement of claims in proceedings.
    an affirmation made in place of an oath.
    the naming of trumps in bridge, whist, or a similar card game.
    an announcement of a combination held in certain card games.
    an act of declaring an innings closed.
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 proclamation declaration
    The act of proclaiming; official or general notice; publication.
    That which is proclaimed, publicly announced, or officially declared; a published ordinance; as, the proclamation of a king; a Thanksgiving proclamation.
    The act of declaring, or publicly announcing; explicit asserting; undisguised token of a ground or side taken on any subject; proclamation; exposition; as, the declaration of an opinion; a declaration of war, etc.
    That which is declared or proclaimed; announcement; distinct statement; formal expression; avowal.
    The document or instrument containing such statement or proclamation; as, the Declaration of Independence (now preserved in Washington).
    That part of the process or pleadings in which the plaintiff sets forth in order and at large his cause of complaint; the narration of the plaintiff’s case containing the count, or counts. See Count, n., 3.